Orange is the New Black; Season 3

Just a reminder that this returning this Friday. I must admit that I don’t recall how all the characters ended up so I may have to rewatch the last few eps of S2.
Anyone have any guesses / hopes for what’s going to happen?

As an aside, for anyone who is wondering, the show is not only almost nothing like the book, it is about a hundred times better. I realize that a carefully crafted show is going to be more watchable than a documentary type thing, but the book well and truly sucks. If you think the Piper character is annoying or unlikable in the show, holy cow, what an unsympathetic character she is in the book. Many many props to Jenji Kohan for making an awesome something out of a not very interesting nothing.

I agree that the show is a lot of fun, and very enjoyable.

However I also liked the book. I never expected the book to read like an entertaining work of fiction. It was more of a slice a life in the life of Piper. Definitely agree though that she is certainly an unsympathetic character in the book.

The fault may be mine due to the fact I read it after watching the series, so didn’t realize how different they are. It’s hard to picture what I might have thought of it had the show not existed.

I dig it. I need more dyke drama in my life.

No clue how it could be better than S2 though.

I understand there will be a new inmate who will be the third angle in a romantic triangle with Piper and Alex. And Pornstache’s mother will want custody of Daya’s baby.

I imagine with Vee a bad memory now, Red will resume her smuggling business via the green house tunnel. And Big Boo and Pennsatucky will continue their friendship.

I’ve already cleared time so I can binge watch this weekend. :smiley: I love Red!

We’ll have to go back and rewatch for a memory refresh. But we don’t binge, so I’ll be avoiding this and other threads after Friday. Heck, we’ve still got to watch the last episode of House of Cards

But I am looking forward to season 3.

I hope Rosa has a spontaneous remission. She’s my favorite character.

I’ma put a spoiler tag , pohjonen, just in case you or anyone else here didn’t finish season 2. Anyone who did, please refresh my memory.

Do you mean spontaneous resurrection? Refresh my memory; didn’t she escape in the van which then exploded? I honestly can’t remember if I added that last part in my mind or if it was left open for her to return. And yes, she is one of my favorites also.

Young Rosa (in flashback) was one of the best characters. Smoking hot and wild as hell!

Oh and another thing about Rosa, which we may have discussed here already; I know I’ve seen it mentioned on IMDB. I didn’t know for the longest time that she’s supposed to be Hispanic (despite her first name; I didn’t even know her last name). I thought she was Eastern European for the first season and I don’t recall when I got that she’s Latina but it didn’t really register until the episode with her back story. Also, the actress that plays her is British.

Oh and another thing about Rosa, which we may have discussed here already; I know I’ve seen it mentioned on IMDB. I didn’t know for the longest time that she’s supposed to be Hispanic (despite her first name; I didn’t even know her last name). I thought she was Eastern European for the first season and I don’t recall when I got that she’s Latina but it didn’t really register until the episode with her back story. Also, actress that plays her is British.

Anyone know what time it will come out?

12:01 am Pacific Time Friday morning.

I watched the finale of S2 again the other night, and I don’t recall that happening at all. I hope you are misremembering! If you aren’t, I’m blocking it out!

Turns out I am misremembering. Maybe I was just expecting / dreading it at the time and somehow created a false memory. She actually runs down Vee. I hope we see her again.