Order of the Stick book 7 discussion thread

Roy seemed pretty interested in sharing a blanket with her when they first met. Took a little while for that to wear off.

1191 is up

Hey, maybe we can get every ancillary character together, Avengers-style, for a giant fight against Xykon and the Snarl! I’m not sure if that would be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. Maybe both.

I’m not sure which side Sis would be on.

Whatever her flaws, she seems like the type to have a strong self of self-preservation and wanting to be around. No one’s going to notice how wonderful you are if no one is left :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG, green quiddity! Julia has joined the Eastern pantheon!

Well, no. Probably not.

So no one else is assuming tat, for her to haunt him through the sword (green outline) that means she’s dead? I even thought that was the big reveal.

I thought of that, but Eugene manifested in blue so I guess this is just a regular Sending.

Then again, a Sending avatar is often shown as a miniature version of the person Sending, so who knows?

Yeah, I didn’t read it as her being dead. But maybe Eugene manifested in blue because he’s kicking around the front lawn of Celestia and green is some other plane’s front lawn color?

My initial impression was that she’s bothering him through some other magical scrying/communication means, though. I’ll wait for next week to see if I’m wrong.

I was waiting on this until a new strip was posted so I wouldn’t set off a false alarm.

I don’t think this is really a spoiler because the author himself chose to reveal it in advance. But in the author notes for Utterly Dwarfed, Burlew gave his usual cryptic hint about upcoming events from the next story arc.

He said: “Somebody who has appeared in exactly one (1) page of the story so far (including all the prequel stories) will become an important ally in the first half of the next book.”

So speculations?

I’m just glad that someone raised the chocolate-bar gnome from the dead so he could help put this story to rest.

If it’s Sending, then she’s already wasted nearly half of her word allotment. And she wouldn’t be able to watch him, and he wouldn’t be able to sense her presence before she started talking.

That was my first thought as well.

I’m guessing a celestial entity from Roy’s time dead.

Oh, and

That’s pretty much what Nodwick did for its grand finale.

My own best guess on this is Eugene’s old rival Suzy Finkelstein.

Have we seen Kraggor alive in any strip other than #276? I know the rest of the Scribble acted like he was dead, but we never saw a body with Xs.

EDIT: We see him though in Xykon’s reading of Serini’s Diary though, don’t we? It’s hard to think of a character powerful enough to matter, that we’ve only seen in one strip. Besides Goblin Dan, of course. Aarindarius was in more than one strip, right?

If we hadn’t seen Serini in a few prequel strips, I’d guess it was her. She certainly could have pulled off the ambush of O-Chul and Lien.

No idea why Julia is manifesting while Roy isreading the Weapon of Legacy book. Green glow on her avatar makes me think it’s something to do with the sword.

Once a week isn’t bad.

Green is Julia’s colour. Any Julia-centric magical effects will be green. Her changed speech balloon though makes me suspicious she’s an outsider of some sort now.

Well, since Julia is True Neutral, she must be the new leader of the Linear Guild, here to push Roy into some stupid sidequest that keeps us another five years from the end of the story.

My guess is some deity joining the main story. Maybe Pan. We saw him once in this strip. And he wasn’t visible or named among the dead gods in the next strip. Plus there have been ongoing speculations that the Monster in the Darkness is a surviving member of the Eastern Pantheon.