Order of the Stick book 7 discussion thread

Changed circumstances: 1254

Nearly a month between strips. :cry:

Yeah, I waited (nearly) a month for this? very very incremental update?

See you in 2023 when they’ve left this room. :confused: Maybe!

I think I’ll step out for a few months.

It just doesn’t seem to occur to her that other people would also treat the last gate differently.

Though, to be fair, the way Roy tried to explain why he wouldn’t destroy the gate made him sound like Elan. Just say “We obviously won’t destroy the gate because it’s the last one. We’d only do that if we had some other way to hold back the Snarl.”

I kinda feel like Burlew is spending too much time justifying this lady’s thinking. We get it. She’s paranoid and only trusts herself (and her friends who do whatever she says), leading her to make rather unwise decisions. I suspect she’s the one member of the original Order that had the lowest wisdom score. Or that it got lowered due to her operation.

I don’t really think we need to know more of the intricacies. Not unless she’s actually going to come up with something the OotS didn’t think of but should have.

Yeah, I’m done for the year. I’ve bookmarked this thread, but this is ridiculous.

I just have my daily comics feed so, when it shows up, it shows up (although I usually see it linked here first) but I can appreciate the frustration for people who mainly just read this. For the glacial pace the plot moves and the amount of loose ends yet to be resolved, I’m worried that it’ll just never finish; Burlew will run out of time or steam or interest which kind of sucks. I don’t know much about the guy but he obviously has other commitments and priorities if it takes a month to knock out this comic and I assume eventually those priorities will win out entirely.

Prove me wrong, Burlew! Prove me wrong.

I wonder if it’s a disability. I’m hoping he’s written out the major plot thread so that if he dies or something summertime else can finish it

Meh, the comic updates have been glacial as long as i can remember (and I found the comic when it was on the splash page of Roy and Dad on a cloud looking at the ruins of Azure city, so I’ve read it a WHILE).

Yup. Not claiming that it’s anything new, just wondering if/when the puttering engine will stop. I think it’s been more fits and starts – you have spurts where “Hey, a new comic and it’s only been six days!” and then times where it’s a month or so (not even counting the wounded hand sabbatical). Just hoping it makes it to the end.

I started not much after you, when I started it was book 4 but before the “million to one” demon, and I can see that the pace has gone down and down and down. It was slow before, but it’s much slower now.

He’s mentioned before that he has a chronic, but not life threatening, condition that sometimes interferes with his ability to work.

Yeah, that’s what I was referring to.

Maybe he’s been working on his long overdue Kickstarter obligations. Perhaps a new PDF or two. We can always hope.

Updates are slower, but the art style is more complex.

I don’t doubt that OOTS will be completed someday, I think it’s obvious that Burlew has the rest pretty much planned out. It’s kind of mind boggling to me how staggeringly big this project will end up being though. The coming will be 20 years old next year and I doubt we are within a year or two of the end.

Rich was 29 when he started OOTS. I could see OOTS ending when Rich has spent literally half of his life on this project. That’s kinda mindblowing.

</switches thread from “watching” to “tracking”>

I’ll catch up in a few months or so. I love this strip so much and I’ve been reading since the early 500’s when Haley was an edgy resistance fighter. But.

#1255: And Poorly Lit Signs

Talky man is talky man. You know there’s too much damn dialogue when the speech bubbles are obscuring the titles.

Hey, it’s plot movement. And quicker than the previous update.

Yeah, i was surprised at the amount of plot movement. Two more steps like this and something might happen.