Origami geeks!

So, anyone know anything good to make with the paper chopsticks wrapper?
And what’s the most difficult design you’ve made (I think mine is Montroll’s frikking lobster or grasshopper)?

Don’t use the chopsticks wrapper, but I’m a major origami geek. The most difficult thing I’ve made (I think) was this octagonal ornament in Isao Honda’s classic book. Took a lot of prefolding, and some kind of nonintuitive stuff that’s hard to replicate accurately in print. Took me many tries to get it right, and now it’s kind of my “show-stopper”. Can’t make it from memory yet, though; my best from memory is a lily that makes people go “Oooh!”

Good for impressing the ladies; it makes a great hair ornament (for them, not me).


This is going to make me sound so psycho, so keep in mind the fact that I was 11. I was in the Origami club at school, and one day we learned how to make boats. Up to that point, it was the only thing I could make trouble free, and I was so enchanted with my boat that I went home, spent the whole afternoon cutting paper into squares, and spent the whole evening making boats. I must have made a few hundred, and put them in my closet.

Then we learned how to make balls (you know…the kind you fold and then blow into?). Man, you should have seen my closet after that. Boats and balls galore, so–yes, I guess I could have been called an origami geek. Or a scary origami obsessive. :slight_smile:

I know how to make a swan from memory and also a blow-up cube.

I was bored a lot in school.

It’s my only defense.

Can anyone refer me to a good site on the web, which has instructions on how to make a flower (any kind, as long as it looks good, and takes less than 2 minutes to make)? I’ve always wanted to have this skill as a kind of ability to pick up ladies. I think it would cool :cool:. Anyone? Bueller?

Hmm. most difficult? Pegasus, probably.

Underground Origami (scroll down to the link), for everyone who always wanted to be able to make crude sexual paper objects using dollar bills. (I made it two clicks away).

While at Zork, you should brush up on your Zinc Haiku, some of which are mine.

Yup, major origami geek. The last time I counted, I had more than 100 origami models sitting around my room. After that, I stopped counting. But yeah, I’m a big John Montroll fan. I like that guy’s sense of symmetry. Toshikazu Kawasaki is cool too, what with his rose (I can do the original one from Origami for the Connoisseur, but have never felt the urge to do the one from here) and some other stuff. I like some of the super-hard origami books like the Montroll ones and Robert J. Lang and that type of stuff. Then again, there’s something to be said for the delightfully simple style of Robert Neale. I love his inflatable rabbit. However, my favorite models are probably the traditional Japanese ones (although I prefer the ones without cutting or nonsquare paper, and such purism is only a modern thing). I’ve noticed that they often have a totally transformative step near the end where the dinky little mundane folded thing turns into something beautiful, like the crane or balloon. It’s like the being hit over the head by a Zen master or something. The best modern origamists are sometimes even able to include that step in their work, which is quite a feat if it’s something really complex. I’ve noticed that Neale’s rabbit and Kawasaki’s rose have these type of steps. I think it might be present in some of the Montroll ones I’ve done, but I forget.

Oh, and the best origami book is Peter Engel’s Folding the Universe: Origami from Angelfish to Zen. It’s not just an origami book, more like a book with origami models that also ties together origami, mathematics, music, nature, and a whole bunch of other stuff.