The expression “Who shot John?” is used, albeit infrequently, by political pundits and similar types. Can anyone explain the meaning and origin of this phrase?
Doesn’t sound all that familiar to me. Where have you heard it used? In what context?
I’ve never heard this uttered. How about “Who shot J.R.?”
Or, “Got what Nancy shot at”. But, who shot John? John who?
but running it past Google turns up a lot of hits on the shooting of John Lennon. (!?)
Exactly my question: John who?
I hear this expression maybe 3-4 times a year, and have seen it in print a few times. One person will make a statement and then the other person will say something like, “Let’s talk about who shot John.” It’s a real insider-type comment.
I definitely did not mishear “Who shot J.R.”
A pure guess is that it refers to JFK in some way. Again, I have no evidence to back that up. This is something I have wondered about for quite a while, and have searched for the answer. Maybe I should call Bill Buckley. But I have more confidence in the TM.
Sorry. Yes, this is a phrase I have heard exclusively in the U.S. And exclusively during political discussions.
John LENNON?!?!?!? Who shot John KENNEDY! It means ‘turn the conversation to another controversial, unsolved question’.