Ortho, Meta, Para. What should come next?

I always felt this sequence should extend further. But I’ve been stuck as to what prefix should be employed for the next spot.

Ortho of course means true or correct. Orthodox: correct opinion.

Meta means following or after. Metamorphosis: following form.

Para has a variety of translations, including similar, resembling, beyond, apart from. Paranoia: Beyond the mind.

So we need some more prefixes.

Any suggestions?



I think forcing regularity on prefixes in this range would be a lot of fun.
orthonoia would be correct or traditional thinking?
metadoxy would refer to what you believe about what you believe?


pseudonym, metanym, orthonym, paranym
lets see, fake/false name, following name (after name?), true/correct name, something like a name.

quasinym - something kinda like a name, but not really?

I always understood ‘orthodox’ to mean conventional or generally accepted, not necessarily ‘correct’.

Oh yeah. My nomination: 'queer"

Mmmmm, pastry dough!

Ipso-, Meso-, and Peri- I would think.

I’m liking these! Cine- and Tele- are good too!

Ipsophysics! Mesodoxy! Periolympics!

Oddly, though, Tele seems to be wider than Cine in this world.

Cinedoxy = the accepted truth according to movie plots. eg, a cops partner dying three days from his retirement is cinedoxy.
Lasers making sounds (in space) is an example of Cinephysics.

Isn’t it obvious?
After Para comes Meta again:

Edited to add:
Didn’t see that Lighhtray had the same link. But didn’t draw the correct conclusion, IMHO.

Well, it’s not like I can tell if a benzene ring is dexter-para-substituted or sinister-para-substituted; they’re the same position! If you’re moving to a different position, you need to talk meso- or peri- or something.


Hyper has to be in there somewhere.

Hypernym: e.g. “The Most Magnificent Ranoldo!”
Hyperdoxy: Speaking in tongues and ecstatic seizures. :slight_smile:

Ah, but what about when you’ve got a C10 aromatic ring, eh? Or a C14? We need more prefixes for our high aromatics!

Omni- is good, too
