Osip's most often used quote.

-Both the author of the notes and the notes themselves are, of course fictitous. Neverless, such persons as the author of such memoirs not only may, but must, exist in our society.-
-F. Dostoeevsky, “notes from the underground”

I have started every journal this way over the course of 10 years.

What quotes do some of you use on a regular basis?


Hi Osip! Okay, I’ll go first.

“Great minds think alike”

" Because I’m the Mom, that’s why!" :stuck_out_tongue:

“You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.” by Og Mandino.

“Suture yourself!”

“Ask me if I care. I promise, the answer is not yes.”

"I will . . . "

“Men don’t have sex. Women have sex and men have to get it from them.” - I forget who said that.

And I don’t use this too often, but I love it - John Cleese to Eric Idle in Monty Python’s Life of Brian after Eric Idle says he wants to be a woman so he can have babies -
“You can’t have babies . . . Where’s the fetus going to gestate, you gonna keep it in a box?”

“I think, therefore I’m dangerous.”

“It’s getting hard to be someone but it all works out.”

“Brithael bites.” – When I’m piqued.

This is the quote I use most often: "

I’d use the other one, but my keyboard only has the ‘close quote’ quotation mark.

“Apparently, HIS rotten spying bastards are a whole lot better than MY rotten spying bastards!”
–Lionel Powers, Weapons of Mass Distraction

One I use commonly to describe people with closed minds:

“None so blind as those who refuse to see.”