Yes, I have been visiting other boards again. And where do you hang out if not here?
I came back to here tonight as soon as I realized I was the only one posting at the other board. It was 3 AM there. I’ll have to have a very slow discussion with those folks. The stupid board requires you to post under your real name! They check if your SS number is real.If not, they delete you.
I do one Yahoo board, because I can get there at lunch time.
Seriously, I’ve had bad luck with boards.
A great combination with intelligent people and easy software is unheard of.
Please, share, if you know of any.
Among the rabble, some rather insightful discussions on tech today.
I know that I have put you through hell, and I know that I have been one rough pecker. But from here on, you are all in my cool book.- Seth Gecko From Dusk Till Dawn
Satan, it might hurt your image as a Rock ‘n’ Roll / Death Metal / King of the Underworld long-haired evil-grinning wiseass a bit, now that we know you play the triangle and all…
I am primarily a poster on another board, but I really like it here too. My main board is full of real computer nerds (myself included). Feel free to come by and visit. The Lounge is that boards version of MPSIMS. If you’ve ever wanted to know how to set up an overclocked dual celeron board, this is the site to go to.
I was a reg @ (also UBB) until I found this place. I lurk the two SD usenet groups, but rarely post - I’m spoiled by UBB - newsgroups are definitely an acquired taste.
beatle: newsgroups work, barely, through
Deja sends you e mail about replies, if you wish
I started a thread that got 20 replies on “annoying artists in (certain country)”
I found out most people posting there are about 15, so you can’t bring up stuff they couldn’t remember
the people posting at Beatle(s) newsgroups, if you want to know, are boring people discussing minutia (trivia)
I used to be fairly active on the snopes board, but the ratio of fifteen year olds to adults got too high (Some fifteen year olds are fine. A majority is troublesome). Then all my favorite people left, and I came over here.
I think I’ve been spoiled by UBB.
Plus my browser is crap.
I hate the software in which each single response is on its own page. Imagine trying to read Guy Stuff, response by response.
UBB’s great, except for all the stuff that doesn’t work. (Huh?)
I usually only post on one other board. It isn’t very busy, and I can usually catch up with everything inside of ten minutes. This is a good thing, since it uses the “Inside the Web” format, and you can only read one posting at a time.
Also, I like to go over to the official Nine Inch Nails board and troll. Those kids are so touchy over there… heh heh heh.
I’ve been turned on by one board in the old country. Actually very nice software. So I have to talk to those people in the morning. You will have to wait till evening for more of my blunt remarks today.
Anybody recognize this software for a board: