Over 600,000 acres burned and still burning..

At least 7 people dead as a result of the fire. Very dry grass and 55 mph wind all day yesterday.

This is a fairly large fire, probably go over a million acres once the wind picks back up.


OMG. This is the first I’ve even read of this. Hoping for rain.

I was reading about it this morning and was surprised at the number of deaths and buildings lost. To those of us intimate with the area, it just seems like such a strange event. Been living there or driving through for 30 something years and never before did we ever see widespread burns.

Take care up there, Duke.

I don’t think I’m in any immediate danger, the wind is back though.

We’re used to grass fires burning a few hundred or even a few thousand acres, but this one is bigger yet. The part we don’t usually get is dead livestock. The fire was moving so fast that cattle and even horses were killed. There are huge herds of pronghorn right in the path of this fire, I hope they can run fast enough.