Lately I’ve been on a hell of a health kick. My old diet consisted mainly of fast food, when I did eat, and that didnt happen as often as it should have. I had too much sugar, fat, etc. I’ve decided to change all that. Only, one thing is bugging me.
A list of changes:
I take a multivitamin twice daily now. I’ve gone from no breakfast to a breakfast consisting of either Kellogg’s Vector or Crispix, usually Vector. That stuff’s LOADED with all kinds of healthy crap; protein, vitamins, etc. Secondly, instead of drinking so much iced tea and coke, I’ve been drinking milk and juices, and a lot of Snapple’s ‘Element’ series, which is fruity juice with stuff like ginko biloba, ginseng and other herbs mixed in. I’ve been drinking 500ml - 1L of this stuff a day. And when I do drink my iced tea now, I add unpasturized honey to it (I read in Maxim that this is good for you). I used to be mainly a carnivore (for various reasons I wont go into here), but now I’m trying very hard to branch into veggies, mainly on the urgings of my SO (who is Eastern Indian and so eats quite a few things I need to get used to. The tomatoes are a start). I’m trying to exercise more, when I can find the time to. I eat three meals a day now, at least, and when I do it’s stuff like pasta, cold cuts, fruits, sometimes veggies, etc, instead of pizza pockets all the time. When I do eat out, I try to go to Mr Sub or something instead of McDonalds. I’m eating less chocolate, candy, caffiene, and empty sugar calories. Also I’m trying to be more… err… ‘regular’ which is something I’ve… had problems with in the past. I’m sure there’s other stuff that’s slipping my mind, but I cant recall just now.
So. Going from my former all-saturatedfat-all-the-time diet to this, I’m beginning to wonder. Can I OD on nutrients?
I know, everything in moderation is good, and too much of anything is bad. If everything I’m eating now has a lot of, say, Vitamin A, and I’m taking in way more Vitamin A than I can handle, will it harm me? Or will I just excrete the stuff? Should I worry? Watch more carefully how much of each thing I intake, for fear that too much of it could do bad things to me instead of the goodness it’s been thusfar inspiring? (Zits are GONE, folks! I mean, GONE! In like, two days!)
Inquiring minds want to know.