Owen Wilson attemps suicide!

There’s a big difference between a)slitting your wrists and taking an overdose of pills, and b) being stoned out of your gourd and “cutting” your wrist.

My guess is the latter.

Jesus! Is that funny to some people? What the fuck?


I’ll save my laughter for when someone you care about attempts suicide. It’ll be fucking hilarious then, I’m sure.

I don’t see the humor either. But I never saw the movie, so was that scene funny in context?

(I’ll tell you what would be funny, in a very dark way: if Terry Gilliam dies of a heart attack. Because millions of people will be picturing him falling backwards in his chair. But that bit was funny in context. Plus which, if Gilliam really does have a heart attack, fatal or not, I’ll probably never find it funny again.)

Save your righteous indignation for somebody who gives a fuck.

Scene: Wilson brother, after being a pro tennis player early on who then has a mental and physical breakdown, is shaving. He has a characteristic beard that he is shaving off. Something about an unrequited love with Gwynth Paltrow as well. As “Needle in the Hay” plays on, he slits his wrists. This was before Elliot Smith committed suicide, so watching it now is even more powerful. I wasn’t so much making fun of it as I was commenting on it, as that’s the only thing I could think of/care about compared to the rest of the hyenas in the world.

And I have street cred: dead friends, suicides, and I’ve been to a circus. And yea, I find it fucking funny.

Did anyone else imagine what it would look like if Luke were to help him bust out of a hospital/rehab facility (in a switch on their roles in Bottle Rocket)?

Now that would be funny! But wasn’t it Luke that helped Owen escape? No switch, I mean.

No, no, no. Then they’d just be really upset. That’s the last type of person you want to get his righteous indignation. Obviously dnooman and the Wilsons were really close friends, and so he’s understandably upset.

Um, no. Recall crew-cut, blond Owen’s maniacal grin as he encouraged (with a flashing mirror, no less) Luke to “escape” – and how the brown-haired Luke thanked the [doctor? administrator?] at the facility for helping him, and apologized for having to play-act an escape, which was really his brother’s idea?

Now be quiet, or there’ll be trouble with Mr. Henry. :wink:

Moderator interjects: dnooman and Ellis Dee, please cool it. Personal comments about other posters are not acceptable in this forum.

In general, in discussions about the deaths or illnesses of people close to our members (for instance, in the MPSIMS forum), we try to maintain a reasonably polite and well-mannered approach. That is not necessarily required in the case of deaths or illnesses of celebrities. On the one hand, insulting celebrities is certainly permitted. On the other hand, we do expect some reasonable decorum: while members may not be actually related to (or friends with) the celebrity, they can feel a sense of loss. “Every man’s death diminishes me,” said John Donne.

So, please, a little common courtesy on both sides, please.

. . . but not his movie brother. Dignan was not Anthony’s brother.

Well, so much for privacy - and the initial report is confirmed:


Out of the bajillion celebrities in the Hollywood Stratosphere, this news about Owen really hit me.
I wish him well.

Holy crap, this is the exact same username I’ve used in my fantasy football league for five years! I had to a double take at reading this post. If I ever went mad and began making socks, this one is gone forever.

Resume gossip.

The rumor I’m hearing now is that Wilson has a long standing drug problem.

I just finished watching Zoolander again, and laughed myself stupid at Derek–and Hans.

This is unreal. I can’t think of anything to say.

Can you hear that sound of whispered scratching?

That’s a hundred dopers jotting down notes to self to include Owen Wilson on their '08 Death Pool lists.

And I’d just like to say that Dex has once again shown reason why I so love this board: A minor dispute between members is moderated using poetry.

Hollywood is like the Tour de France. Everyone is doing it, but no one is admitting to anything.
Frankly, I’d be surprised if anyone in La La Land doesn’t do drugs or have an eating disorder.