How’s the job hunt going? Anything we can do?
The job search is going OK. I have a whole bunch of applications just floating around in the ether right now, sooner or later one of them will come up. It’s inevitable.
Just yesterday I applied for a job with PCN, the Pennsylvania version of C-SPAN with some local interest and interactive educational programming mixed in. I’m very much waiting to hear back from them, because this job is absolutely PERFECT! I also have some stuff in for Federal and State jobs but nothing’s come back yet.
As for our current situation: We’re doing OK. Money is tight, but I’m really clamping down on stuff. We made it the entire month of January on $1,000. Really. It was tough, but we did it. Based on that budget, I think we’ll have enough to make it through February, too, though I’m not quite sure about that yet. We also get to file our taxes, which should net us a nice return. All in all, I’ve been in worse places, so has Robin, but something has to come up soon or it will be worse.
Anyway, thanks for asking, and I assure you when I get a job I’ll let everyone know about it.