Palin says she has "Fire In the Belly." Is it just gas?

So where is she on the Gingrich Scale of Electability?

Fire in the Belly, wasn’t that the name of the controversial artwork that banned from the Smithsonian earlier this year? It’s sounds like ol’ Sarah is being a bit sacrilegious to me.

It will take more than bellyfire to be the next Baryshnikov.

She’s an idiot. That should be enough to marginalize her, but a lot of Americans are also idiots, and her idiocy resonates with them. I’m thrilled shitless to share citizenship with these people, really. :rolleyes:

Electability for what? She could conceivably win the nomination if she wins enough primaries, and be devastated in the general election. That makes her a perfect Republican candidate.

There’s also some speculation that she might also make an independent run as a Tea Party candidate. That would be even better, as practically every vote for her would be taken from the Republican candidate.

Electability as President? ZERO, and that’s being generous.

This rings a bell. A movie quote?

The Simpsons:D

Was that the one where Lisa got the high-tech dancing shoes?

It was the episode where Bart learned ballet.

Maybe she’s pregnant again.

Is anyone else hoping she gets the nomination? Because it really seems that she should be unelectable. She’s just so… vacuous. There’s nothing to her. Has she ever brought up any actual campaign points? She’s purely figurehead. Can something like that be elected?

…Well, this is the states we’re talking about.


Or an infection.

I do not underestimate her. I’m not sure she could be elected but around here she would get a lot of support.

Speculation that she may run in Arizona for Senate, she just bought a house there

She’s stalking her daughter, who moved there recently.

Does Todd stay in the Alaska deep freeze? Not much chance to continue his snowmobile racing career in AZ.

Please, please, please challenge Grandpa McCain (R- Get Off My Lawn!) in the 2016 Republican primary. That would be priceless, to see McCain’s Frankenstein come back to devour him.

I’d like to watch them fighting over who is and who isn’t mavericky today and yesterday and tomorrow and what mavericky means and why it’s a good thing when they do it but a bad thing other times and why they’re victims of lamestream media obsession with maverickyness anyways.

Ditto! :wink:

I agree that’d be amusing, but it’d probably be more likely for McCain to retire then.