Pandora pats herself on the back

Totally pointless, and pretty meaningless to anyone but me…

But I am proud of myself. I have finally finished moving…
Everything is in the new place, and “most” of it is unpacked. And I did it almost all by myself. My brother stopped by one day and helped me move the couch, and a big chair… but everything else was me.

I was terrified of this move and it was a huge ordeal for me… but it’s over and I did it. And although I’m a bit sore, I managed to do it without seriously hurting myself. (I’m clumsy, so that was a bit of a feat in itself)

Anyway, since there’s no one here to congratulate me, I feel the need to brag to someone! and the SDMB is it.

Pats on the back [sub]or any other bits[/sub] :wink: are welcome, but I really just needed to say this for myself.

You may all carry on with your lives now :slight_smile:


Yay for you! I love moving, when everything is in its new and proper place and I’ve finally had a reason to throw out a lot of junk.

But you know, I think the real accomplishment here was that you managed to triple-post your OP.


Congratulations on your move, Pandora!

So tell me, what came out of your box?


And I guess I’m too late to witness the triple post…

I am sorry about the triple post.
(and thank you to whichever Mod cleaned up my mess)

Our network went kaboom.

