Panties in the Dorm Window

While driving through Rolla, MO, last Sunday (don’t ask), I happened to drive past a UMR (University of Missorui at Rolla) dormitory. I don’t know if it was a men’s dorm or a women’s dorm. I do know, however, that there were two pairs of women’s panties taped up to the window.

Now, I went to college. Two of them, actually. One was a very, uh, “progressive” university in Western Illinois. While there, I never saw any panties affixed to a window. The other was a very conservative, religious school in the Ozarks. 'Nuff said.

So, are the college kids these days trying to say something by hanging panties from a window? If so, what? (“I got some!” “I’m available.” “I own panties.”)

I thought about posting this in GQ, but it seems a little too mundane and pointless.


Maybe they were hanging up to dry.


The Legend Of PigeonMan - By Popular Demand! Enjoy, enjoy!

Maybe a trophy of sorts - an announcement to the global village of some sexual conquest. Never underestimate the lack of graceful sophistication on the part of today’s undergraduate males.

RTA - That was my thought at first. But, you’d think he’d know that his “conquest,” upon seeing her undies taped to his window, would promise never to put out again!

We need a deeper explanation.

Sheesh, people are still doing this?? Well, that shoots my faltering hopes for social evolution.

A mere few years ago during my youth (any wiseacre comments will be dealt with severely hormonally overloaded college students did the underwear thing. The rowdy males would display lingerie as trophies, and giddy females used the display as a weird mix of come-on/defiance.

Even then most folks considered it as a pretty accurate benchmark for “dweeb”. Guys who bragged by draping lingerie out the window weren’t really fatally attractive to women. It was hard to get enthused and infatuated with some dork who was just itching to hang your undies out the window.

Women who advertised were popular in only limited (AHEM!) senses. Roaring hormones aside, it was kinda hard to ignore the parallels with leaning against a lamp post outside the Trailways station, twirling keys and saying, “Hey, cowboy, new in town?”.

Besides, it was widely rumored that most “trophy undies” were swiped out of the dorm dryers, from sisters or bought at Sears.


Probably just straight up crude humor. You sneak into the girls dorm, steal a handful or two of underwear(preferably the type for “special occasions”) and then hang them up in some prominant place. Eventually who ever owns it will, presumably, want you to give them back, and thus hilarity ensues. “What panties?” …“Oh the frilly one with the split crotch?” “So you’re the one who owns the frilly ones with the split crotch, and now you want them back?”…“All right, here are your frilly panties with the split crotch”…etc etc, in as loud a voice as possible.
Or maybe I’m just making this all up, sounds like a possibility though, doesn’t it?

I think they’re saying “Hey! I got laid…once.”

“The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his ribcage.” --anonymous redhead

I too have seen panties adorning mens rooms here at the good ol’ University of Southern Indiana. And, in some cases I even know, although casually, the guys that live there. My guess on the ones I’ve seen is that they found them in the laundry room, and hung them up to fool people.

After all, you know where virgin wool comes from, don’t you? You got it…ugly sheep.

“He who does not read is no better off that he who does not read.” Mark Twain

Gee Veb… I never thought about the twirling keys concept… Thanks. Now dammit where DID I put my keys!

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

It was the custom some years ago here at Texas Tech to hang a towel out your window while you were “getting lucky.” Two possible reasons: advertising your good fortune and warning away the roommate.

Ummm, were they clean?


Remember, you can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish!

I admit it… they were mine, honestly…

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

She did leave a pair here, before the breakup.

Of course, I don’t have a vendetta with her or anything, and that probably wouldn’t help much with the quest for true love.

:::sheepishly removes undergarments from apartment window:::