Paper Plane Game


Beat that.

?? It looked the same every time. Their tip to go back then forward didn’t change the outcome. Won’t put Donkey Kong out of business.

Meh, I only managed about 67m. There used to be a full-fledged game on the Mac with a paper airplane sailing though rooms and stuff. The sound in this game were lifted from it. I can’t remember the name right now.

Ah, here it is.

Beacuse I’m a little pressed for time, I limited myself to five throws. Best: 88.995m.

112 was my highest so far. That was using the old flash trick though. (Bring the plane to the extreme left of the screen until it doesn’t move any more. Move the cursor outside of the game frame and around the applet (without going into it) and bring it around to the right side. Then bring the mouse into the right side of the game frame at the point where you’d like to aim the plane. The Flash applet will immediately receive what it thinks is mouse telemetry from left to right instantly and throw the plane as hard as possible. Don’t click and hold the mouse, by the way, just click on the plane to start the game. In this manner you can experiment with different plane heights and different aim points to see what gets you furthest.

I’m convinced that it’s impossible to get scores of 100+ without using that trick. Or maybe I just suck. :wink:

I can’t see how it’s possible to get more than ~115. I can get mine to go on perfect arc at full speed out the window. But when it gets out there, it won’t allow it go higher than the ceiling in the room, and that limits its potential distance.

If I try to get it out of the window at any place other than the top, it just decides to do a loop and slow down significantly.

My best so far is 113.339

No, I didn’t know that trick and I had 102.