I’m the hideous awful other side of this coin evidently.
I’m the father of now 10.5 month old boys. Both of them have gone through a period of ‘object permanence’ where they figured out mom and dad existed even when they weren’t in the room.
In both cases, it lasted a week or three and they got over it. The object was to make them feel wanted and needed, but that there were boundaries. There’s obviously a difference between a child that wants attention and another that’s genuinely frightened. If they needed assistance, we picked them up, otherwise, poking our head in the door and telling them they were alright was often all that was needed.
There was one night early on, where Mrs. Blank was up at 9:30, 10:15, 10:45 and 11:20. At 11:20, I walked into the baby’s room and said “Look at him, he’s playing you.” It was pretty obvious what he was up to, and he’d figured out how to get mom in the room. We left, closed the door, and he cried out for about 10 minutes, then went to sleep.
My kids go to sleep by themselves, and sleep throught the night. If they’re grumpy and go down crying, it’s RARE that they do so for more than 6-8 minutes. I’ve also come across them 30 or 60 minutes after bedtime quietly playing in their cribs. We’re okay with that as they should be allowed and learn to self soothe.
I’d recommend the Baby Whisperer books for parents with newborns, I’ve just started the Baby Whisperer for toddlers as that’ll be the NEXT thing we have to deal with.
Monday through friday, they get up about 5:30am with us (go to bed at 8) Saturday and sunday, Collin will occasionally bleat out at 5:30, but then go back to sleep, getting really demanding around 7am or so.