My son is almost 8 weeks old. When he was first born, we could put him in the swing (we have a cradle swing) or his bouncer for extended periods of time with the music and/or vibration going, and he’d hang out there for a time - most of the time, he’d fall asleep there.
About 3 weeks ago, he decided that he hated both of them. No bouncer. No swing. No way. (The bouncer, a cradle-type, has become my girl cat’s new bed. She loves it, and if the baby’s not using it… :smack: ). I’ve put him in his crib to watch the mobile, which he likes, and he likes watching the birds on his swing - for about 2 minutes. Then he cries.
I’ve always subscribed to the ‘you can’t spoil them at this age’ theory, but now I’m really starting to wonder. I don’t get him up from naps or in the morning until he’s been crying for at least 30 seconds - because 95% of the time, he goes right back to sleep after a short cry (he’s not awake, either - he seems to cry in his sleep a lot). But nothing I do will get him to hang out by himself for short periods of time - he wants to be held constantly. I’m trying to interest him in his play gym, and he does seem to like that, but he’s really too little to interact with it for the most part.
I don’t want to let him cry it out this little - I really don’t. But I’m worried because he starts daycare in a week and a half, and his caregiver will not be able to hold him constantly all day - she has other kids, too (older kids, but kids that still need attention). I just don’t know how to get him to learn to be okay if Mom’s not holding him constantly (and it IS me he wants because he will fuss if it’s my husband and I’m in sight).