Parents on strike, kids clueless

Yahoo! News

This can only end badly.

If parents are going to start doing something like this to teach their kids a lesson, they need to make sure that the results have a, you know, downside. I would have loved it if my parents moved out for a while when I was that age.

Plus, if I was that son, I would be running an extension cord and a phone charger to that tent. I am sure that it is inconvient and he shouldn’t have to put up with that shit.

I heard that he ACLU was suing the parents. I’m not sure though… it doesn’t really fall under civil liberties.

I’ll try for a cite.

eh. I’ll tyr tomarrow… nods off

I thought crap like this only happened in sitcoms?

Where do you think they got the idea from? :smiley:

These parents wouldn’t be having this problem today if they’d laid the smack down on those kids when they were about 6.

Hopefully the kids are embarassed now that the whole country knows they’re lazy little brats, but as a parent I’d be more embarassed that I raised a kid like that. Better to do something about it late than never, I guess.

And why didn’t they put the KIDS in the tent? (Yeah, yeah, I know, probably illegal.)

I think I’m missing something. The parents were upset about the kids not taking care of the house, so they give them the house? :confused:

I must’ve missed the parenting class where they said “If and when your kids get difficult, just give up and leave the house. Move out into the yard and let them do what they want.”

How about…oh, I dunno…ACTUALLY PUNISHING THE FRIGGIN KIDS!!! Strip their room down to bed and clothes and put the rest in a storage locker until they straighten up.

And if I were the kids in this, I’d be throwing a “I just locked my stupid parents out of the house so they can’t really disipline me anymore, not that they really did in the first place” party.

I saw this on one of the morning news shows. It amazed me that the kids didn’t do their own laundry, and apparently didn’t have any responsibilities around the house beforehand. The mom said something along the lines of, “We’re tired of yelling”. Ha. Then stop yelling. Also stop washing clothing for them (they’ll do their laundry really quick when they run out of underwear) and doing the grocery shopping and cooking the meals (how about some quality time with hubby, just the two of you, eating out?). Is their stuff laying around the house and they refuse to pick it up? A large black trashbag can be your friend. It’s amazing how quickly the stuff will disappear from the “common rooms” when it’s picked up and dumped into a Hefty bag and set out for the trash. (And for the record, it only took my kids twice to learn I was serious when I said, “Your stuff is in the livingroom.”–and I didn’t even need to finish it with, “Get it, or it’ll be trash.”)

Sounds like to me that instead of sacrificing their house and moving into a tent, Mom and Dad need to grow some balls regarding parenting their kids. Household responsibilities and taking care of yourself (and not having someone else do it) shouldn’t be an option. Seems like the kids think it is.

Causing your children any form of physical or emotional distress, no matter how mild, is abusive. The only potentially legal course of action is to give up and move out. (Though I see from the article the legality of that tactic is questionable as well.)

Damn straight. I had a teacher who doesn’t take any shit off of her two sons. She did that to one of 'em for some major infraction (can’t remember what exactly). He straightened up REAL quick and when he got all of his stuff back, he gave away half of it to charity because he realized he didn’t miss it while it was gone.

I hope that was supposed to be sarcastic.

Oh, please. :rolleyes: There is a difference between abuse and discipline. And discipline never killed anyone.


If not for the last sentence, I’d think you were serious.

Sadly, it does seem to be the prevalent attitude.

oompa Loompa Doompadee Doo
I’ve Got Another Puzzle For
You Oompa Loompa Doompadah Dee
If You Are Wise You’ll Listen To Me
Who Do You Blame When Your Kid Is A Brat
Pampered And Spoiled Like A Siamese Cat
Blaming The Kids Is A Lie And A Shame
You Know Exactly Who’s To Blame
The Mother And The Father
Oompa Loompa Doompadee Dah
If You’re Not Spoiled Then You Will Go Far.
You Will Live In Happiness Too
Like The Oompa Loompa Doompadee Do

My favorite part of the article is the last line:

  • “If we have to stick it out here until Christmas, then ho, ho, ho, we’re out here.”*

Seriously, the parents need to take a look at themselves, although it may be too late for that.

Another important question comes to mind: What are the Ps doing about their sex life?

Why are some people so stupid like this? Thinking that the results of this will do anything to the kids. Sure, it will work as long as they live on the lawn, but then when they come back it will be back to normal. This will only end poorly for the parents I think. Children don’t enjoy house work and they never will. That’s simply how it is, so parents need to either deal with it or enforce some punishment.

Marsworm James, are you you actually serious, or was your statement a joke. I hope it was a joke because this message board is dedicated to fighting ignorance and we are going to have to funnel most of our resources to you alone if you are serious.

I think the Hideous Freak of Nature (as Earthworm Jim is lovingly referred to by his neighbors) is kidding.

The real sad thing is that enough people think like that, that most of us thought he was sreious.