Paris Hilton is an idiot...again

Somebody answer my question - I’m assuming both the PH lovers and haters will know the answer and I don’t - is she pregnant or not? Was that just a rumour?

I like that in the thread for all the people mad at Paris Hilton for not being born porn yet having the temerity to be a big fucking ho, has a whole bunch of google links about how to get rich at the bottom.

God bless Google for knowing what’s up always with a few simple algorithms.

So if something doesn’t compare to baby raping, you think it’s morally fine and dandy? I’m glad I don’t live in your world.

I’m glad we can come to a mutual accord.


Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winnah…

Concerning Paris Hilton, IMHO she’s very attractive, possibly a ditz, but who gives a rat’s ass?

Your implication seems to be that a person is to be assumed to be lying and berated on the basis of that assumption unless the berator has evidence that the person is not lying. I disagree with that.

Yes, it’s a subtle distinction, but certainly it’s one worth noting…

Being guilty until proven innocent is something that most police officers succumb to after years of cynicism kicks in. When we apply that logical construct to celebrities, it still lacks nobility on our part I rather think.

Hilton corp executives.
Hilton corp committees.

What exactly is it she does again?

I am not on either of those committees. Therefore, I don’t work hard. I would be an idiot to say I did.

So… showing that she isn’t affiliated with the bussiness operations of the company which gave her all her cash doesn’t prove that she’s isn’t affiliated with the bussiness operations of the company which gave her all her cash.

If you say so.

Oh, fer cryin out loud, FA, get your mind out of the little box you’ve got it locked into and think, man.

Um… yeah… that little box called ‘gainful employment’. :rolleyes:

So, she didn’t work for her money. She doesn’t work for the company which provides her with her money. And as far as I can tell, she’s not associated in any meaningful way with any charitable organizations. I ask again, what exactly does she do?

To elaborate: evidently she has a role in a movie every couple years or so. This still doesn’t seem like she’s “working hard”.

If someone is, effectively, unemployed… I don’t think it’s beyond the pale to doubt that they’re in the process of working hard. Unless, of course, they can show otherwise.

Which all amounts to “I don’t know if she works hard or not” which is not sufficient grounds for calling someone an idiot for suggesting they work hard.

She may be a spoiled brat, but you are sadly mistaken if you think she doesn’t earn her own money. Is she banking on her celebrity? Yes. Along with half of Hollywood. However, she earns millions of dollars a year, none of those earnings from the Hilton corporation’s coffers. (I have no idea if she gets other moneys from Hilton Corp.) She has endorsement contracts, modeling contracts, acting contracts, and is trying her hand at producing motion pictures.

I suppose you don’t think any of this is “gainful employment” but she is being paid more per year, for work she does herself, by companies unrelated to Hilton Corp., than all the dopers who have posted to this thread, combined.

Just because YOU don’t know what she does with her day doesn’t give you the right to call her lazy and “unemployed”.

In the last couple of years, she’s been in about 2-3 movies per year, in addition to starring in a TV show for 3 years, and having bit parts in TV shows: Las Vegas, George Lopez show, The OC, Veronica Mars, SNL, American Dreams, Charmed, etc. etc. Throw in some modeling and business ventures like perfume/cologne to top it off. Yeah… she’s a real do nothing.

The obligitory Wikipedia entry

Not at all. And I wonder why you’re having trouble with this formulation… It’s stating that the burden of proof lies on someone making the claim (eg. that her time is chock full o’ stuff.)

In my world none of those count as working hard. Being photographed is not hard. Spending a day in a studio to be in a commercial is not hard. Etc… Moreover, since this is the Dope after all, it’d be nice to get a non-wiki cite as to what exactly she does. Not that I don’t trust wiki. It’s just that I don’t trust wiki.

Granted, she may very well be pulling down some megabucks for having her picture taken, or what have you. But that hardly qualifies as working hard.

Can we quit it with this fallacy yet?

If someone does not have a job which takes up their time, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that their free time is not spent working. Unless, of course, they show that the ‘free time’ is, instead, spent doing work. Someone can be quite rich and still not have employment.

Oooh. Sporadic acting jobs and being paid millions to pretty much simply exist in a ‘reality show’. God I’m glad that I don’t have to put up with that hell.

I’d like some cites for these bussiness ventures, and exactly what her role in them is. It’s pretty easy for someone with massive ammounts of cash to throw it around and have other people do things for 'em, even starting companies.

Outside of ditch digging, or Alaskan crab fishing, what IS working hard these days? Spending your day in a cube farm ain’t exactly tasking the bod either, know what I mean?

If she were on some executive committee at Hilton, would that guarantee she is working hard? I’d say that job would be a damn sight easier than what she does these days, because she has zero qualifications for being a corporate exec, and would be sitting there via daddy’s influence.

She’s chosen an industry where her strong points, notariety and looks, are very much in demand. She is doing a pretty decent volume of work in that industry. To me, that is the smart way to go about building a career. Rather than try and force herself into an industry she doesn’t necessarily care about or have any aptitude for, she’s working where she is in most demand, and is fairly successful.

I don’t think a person has to choose “hard” work when they are very much in demand in an industry that will pay them fabulous amounts of money for work that you enjoy.

The wikipedia entry can be verified through the IMDB at least with respect to the movies and shows she’s been involved in.

“Chose” is hardly the word I would use. You do know that the only reason anyone noticed her at all is because she was stupid enough to let a tape of her fucking her boyfriend get plastered all over the place, right? If she’d been a nobody she would have just faded back into obscurity by now. She’s only “in demand” by also being a spoiled, rich heiress. Other than that, she’s a talentless hack.

Why? Look at her IMDB entry, are you suggesting that she didn’t choose to do that work?

She is rich enough that she isn’t forced to do anything she doesn’t want to. If she wanted obscurity, it’s no more than a secluded compound away. She gets to do work she likes, gets paid a ton of money to do it, and SHE is the stupid one? :dubious:

So does Goerge W. Bush. You saying he’s smart, too? :wink: