Paris Hilton is an idiot...again

I could be the richest, healthiest, and most beautiful man in the world and she’d still be a dumb fucking whore I detest.

Altho you’re all dissing her, Paris Hitler has amazing little bazongas. I’d say the best (natural) titties I ever seen. That has to count for somthing.

My contract didn’t get renewed because my boss was too busy standing in line to get a blowjob from Ms. Hilton, so I feel your pain.

There is plenty of backstabbing, credit stealing and deliberate sabotage of other people’s work among us cubicle monkeys.

No sympathy for Paris Hilton. She was born rich. She doesn’t HAVE to do anything to support herself. She never has to worry about paying the bills or going hungry. She has no idea what anything near real life is, no concept. She’s just a spoiled, self-important brat who never grew up.

Read my link. I’d say that qualifies her as a “shitty person.”

No one is saying that being rich makes you automatically happy. However, it’s annoying to see someone born WITH those opportunities that many of us don’t have just piss it all away being a vapid, stupid cunt.

That is. . .unless she starts caring for homeless cats. Yeah. . .the cats will bring her down. Down hard. She’ll die in a piano crate, stinking of cat piss, after surviving on rat parts and leftover kibble. The cats. . .yessssss.

So what happened? I thought she was pregnant - was that just a scarey rumour?

The OP posits that PH is an idiot. I see no evidence of that. The OP suggests that PH does not work hard. I see no evidence of that.

The OP makes a massive assumption as to what PH means when she refers to “where she is”.

This thread consists of a large number of non sequiturs, a bucket load of envy, a vast sea of insults and prejudice (any rich guy who had sex with as many women as anyone in this thread has evidence PH has would be regarded as near-celibate) and not much else.

Heh Heh Heh… 49 posts in and absolutely NO-ONE but you got the implicit whoosh attached to Ian Thorpe having a nookie with ANY woman… although I’m told it IS true by umm… well I can’t name her name.

I cannot tell a lie, my post was not intended to reference your whoosh in any way. Although I did notice the anomaly at the time.

[I had hoped to be riding down to your part of the world on Sunday with a few thousand others but I have to babysit, dammit]

not a doorstop

a doorKNOB

Oh, come on. Paris Hilton could have easily chosen a life of quiet anonimity, as thousands of heirs and heiresses do. She jumped in to her lifestyle, not because she needed to earn a living, but because she’s a skanky attention whore. And her life is one of incredible wealth and ease. The idea that she has a harder life than most office workers is farcical. If her life were so miserable, she could simply retire into privacy, rather than appear on magazine covers. She does the things she does because she digs the attention, not because it’s a horrible lifestyle forced upon her by circumstance.

'Cos everyone gets a turn!

Why does everbody feel the need to put Paris Hilton under the microscope?

OK we get Paris haters, you think she’s a skank, blah, blah, blah… :rolleyes:
Let’s just say for a second here that all the things you guys say about Paris are true. (Whcih I don’t think they are.)

Who’s REALLY to blame here. Her parents or her?

Think about it; You take a young attractive female, give her unlimited resourses then surround her by people that tell her how wonderful she is no matter WHAT she does.

How the hell do you think she’s going to turn out? :dubious:

Does your life suck so much that you feel you must dispise an Paris with such vigor?

Look I know she aint’ no saint. But she clearly doesn’t deserve this kind of vitrol.

You know, I was going to respond to mwas, but instead, I’ll just quote him and let his ignorance speak for itself.

Yeah, mwas is a fucking idiot. Here’s a clue, jackass: it doesn’t matter what she thinks about black people. Hell, it doesn’t matter if she just said it because she likes the way the word rhymes with tigger. Referring to someone by using a racial slur is offensive and immoral.

I see no evidence that suggests that she is particularly hard-working, either. Do you?

I am glad I don’t live in the moralistic hell that you do. In my world, beating someone with a stick is immoral, raping babies is immoral. Paraphrasing Paris in order to offend a bunch of self-important morons doesn’t even rate.

You all are like the fucking tools that stood outside of Marilyn Manson concerts with placards decrying his evil sinful ways, not realizing that every second you stood there he gained another fan.

Larry Borgia

The thing about it isn’t that we are debating whether or not she has a miserable life. I never said her life was miserable, I just said that anyone who implied she doesn’t “work” is a fucking jackass. Work can be quantified by ‘effort’. No one is saying she doesn’t have power in her life, only that it doesn’t dissolve ‘effort’ from the equation.

I like that everyone in here is jumping on a mob mentality hate fest of someone they’ve never met, most likely never will, who’s existence they don’t even need to acknowledge, yet somehow I’m the ignorant bigot. You people really need a fucking reality check.

Oh yeah, stupid spoiled whores DO exist in reality FYI, so her reality ain’t any less real than yours. I never understood why people care if others are whores. I dated an honest to god prostitute for a while. She has since moved on from that life, and we are still really good friends, but believe me she worked harder than most people I’ve met.

And Ignorance is when you don’t know, and don’t want to know, yet speak anyway. So continue with your fucking tool hatefest, and I will continue to find comedic value in your self-imposed misery.


I believe the word the OP was looking for is “still”.

Not “again”.



So what it comes down to is whether it’s the teat or the tumidity.