Parks and Recreation - Dec. 8, 2011 - Citizen Knope (4.10)

Chris: “It’s an experimental fabric called bumbleflex. It’s made of bees’ wings.”

I think it was made of synthetic bees’ wings!

This was a great, touching episode. Loved the Jean Ralphio scenes :). I feel sorry for Ben; I though he would end up as Leslie’s campaign manager. He still might I suppose, but he’d still need a paying job.

“You’d be an account for accountants? So, at an accounting firm, you’d have the boring job?”

Jean Ralphio (or however it’s spelled) cracks my shit up. “OK, I’ll just leave the way I came in.”

Also, “OK, well, uh… calc-u-later.”

“You like that one, huh?”

April: “Did you just scoop it out of the jar with your hand like a bear?”

Ben: “You’re putting a lot of sal-gar on your pasta.”

Leslie: “This is just sugar.”

And April’s portrait with the heads of the members of the Black-Eyed Peas. NBC Thursday theme!

Donna’s marshmallow Ron Swanson was delightful, with his little crossed licorice arms.

That was April who made it. He was mad at all the other marshmallow workers!

Did you notice Donna’s nod of agreement at Tom’s description of himself as popular with the ladies?

Ben: “You … you jumped straight to model trains.”

Leslie: “Oh my god, I’m pregnant. No, that’s not it.”

“It uploads your mileage through Bluetooth straight to your computer.”
“That’s great, thank you!”
“I’ll see you in Hell.”

“Don’t run away from me Leslie, I’m much faster than you!” jumps over chair

I loved Chris in this episode (and the last one).

I would give NBC money for a print of April beheading the Peas. Please, please, please!

Baller Time.

That was awesome.

I’d hang that on my wall.