Pass the salt in the MMP

Home - didn’t cry AT work today, so that’s an improvement over yesterday - and not having disrobed yet, the cat is now licking my socks. While they’re still on my feet. Dunno what that’s all about.

Time for the Official Removal Of The Pants (and earrings, and work shirt, and - avert your eyes, pearl-clutchers - the bra) so I can start to decompress. In pretty much that order.

Oh, I did another New Thing at work today. I’ve watched while someone else cleaned a fryer; I’ve cleaned a fryer under direct adult supervision; tonight I cleaned one, start to finish, all by m’self. It’s not an easy task!

Only burned myself two … nope, three times, didn’t notice that lil’ blister 'till now … and managed to NOT make a colossal oily mess on the floor. (That, and winding up in the burn ward, were my two biggest fears.)

Okay, the pants removal must commence. I’ll likely be back to peruse how all y’alls day went.