past flings

It’s funny that you think that everyone on Earth has a Facebook account.

What is a facebook style question?

Can you say WHOOSH?

It’s funny that you think I think this.

I guess it’s more twitter style. :wink:

So what was your point with your capitals and quotation marks? Are you implying that men don’t use Facebook? That men aren’t self-absorbed? That men don’t use the Internet?

Don’t worry, you weren’t whooshed.

It’s a testament to how bored I am at work that I am even bothering to respond to this person.

Get to work! What the hell do you paid to do?

Twitter indeed.

Homeland Security?

Yes, Homeland Security, Korea division. :wink:

We’re trying the whole “pretend not to be interested” approach with North Korea in the hopes that they’ll call eventually and ask us out to dinner.

I hear the grass Kimchii is to die for.

You scoff, but I’m not wondering about past lovers. I’m actually communicating with them, finding out where they are in their lives, and seeing pictures of their wives and children. You should try it - might actually answer some of those questions you have.

I wish I could wonder. I have to talk to my ex-husband, cause we have a kid.

In all seriousness, there are some who I think of fondly, and whom I hope think fondly of me. Of course, there are two or three who probably go…“that girl…what was her NAME…gah, can’t remember…” :slight_smile:

My first real boyfriend, who broke my heart terribly when he left for the Army (he was four years older than me) is still a sort of friend after all these years. We do Facebook now (and I really do not care what people think of it, it’s a useful tool when I have friends on three continents) but we used to e-mail and even snail mail prior. It’s good. I cared a lot about him and I still do, but in a totally different way. It’s nice to speak to someone with whom I have a shared past. I have not been physcially in his prescence in 25 years, and will possibly never be again, but he’s turned out to be a good guy, and had a good life, and I’m glad we’ve been able to share some of it with each other.

Claude Remains: Right after getting this request from a moderator

you respond to another poster with this:

You’re being really rude to people who are trying to engage with you here, and I strongly encourage you to dial it back.

To return to the OP:

Yes. And yes.

Yeah…& ummm, yeah. In fact one of 'em’s now a local TV personality & more gorgeous than ever (prolly all the makeup & stuff, that’s it!). Glad I don’t live there & have to see her on TV all the time. DOH!:smack:
I seem to remember some country musician, maybe Merle Haggard, saying something like “If everyone ended up with thier first choice, I’d be out of a job.”

'Nother round, please?

I don’t really dwell on past “flings”, but do sometimes wonder about women with whom I was in a previous relationship. Since I think about them I presume that on occasion they also think about me. Since Facebook and other sorts of networks weren’t really around back then I don’t have any sort of contact with most, although I do occasionally hear about or from some of them. The two I think about most are the one who went on to be a rocket scientist and the one that went to Harvard. It’s been many years since I spoke with either of them.

This is the first instance of an OP threadsh*tting that I’ve ever seen. Very interesting. There’s gotta be a name for this kind of thing.

There is one. I’d be mortified for him to see me now. We were young 30’s then and beautiful and sparkling. I’ve gone all frumpy and vague since then. He’s my time capsule. When i remember him I’m beautiful again for a moment.