Yeah, some “pal” you are, assholes. Second year in a row you leave me high & dry in the middle of a trip, dipshits.
I normally carry three credit cards plus a local debit card in my wallet. Being somewhat quirky with my finances I normally only use one of said credit cards while traveling – I’ll also add funds to it prior to traveling as a way to keep my expenses under budget. Thus I’ll only use my credit line for emergencies and/or unexpected purchases/luxuries. Watches usually “get” me, as I am fond of collecting them.
In any event, as I said, this is the second year in a row that my main CC – the one that I also keep registered with PayThiefs – gets hacked while on an extended trip. I get home last night and there’s a note in my inbox from the fuckers, telling me I’d sent $45 to “John Smith” (I shit you not!). So I proceed to log into my account only to find that between the time they send the mail and my log-in – roughly 45 minutes – I had “sent” over $450 worth of cash to Mr Smith & the much more original “Augustinas Pocevicius”!
Needless to say, I call my issuing bank in order to cancel both, the payments & the CC – endless voice-menus before I could reach a real person, on my dime from overseas, but that’s another story – and also proceed to dispute all six charges on PayFuckers.
Result: I’m pissed and screwed, as that card was also registered for all my utilities. So:
1-“Frozen” cash to the tune of a couple of thou till I get the replacement CC.
2-Three to five day wait till one of my other cards gets approved by the phone & power companies. Might be cutting it close with the power Co. as not to incur in a late charge.
3-Bank “couldn’t say for sure” how long they’ll take to get my plastic overseas. Meaning that should I run out of cash prior to delivery, I’ll be forced to use my credit line for withdrawals.
Yeah, looking at the big picture, it could have been a lot worse. But goddammit PayBitches, try to think twice next time you decide to send my cash to a fuckin’ “John Smith” would ya! Or a Ms Poce-whatever for that matter.
Done with you asswipes.