pent-up mundanities

Has anyone else noticed the similarity between Lakoff’s “pre-intellectual awareness” (Women, Fire and Dangerous Things) and Pirsig’s “the front edge of the train” Quality (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)?

On the lighter side, Mrs. Pluto just called to tell me that our auto insurance went from $217 a month to $60 a month since our second son went off to college.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Found a dead cat in a room in our basement. (Not one of ours. Still trying to figure it out.)

My department at work has been eliminated, and we’re being “absorbed”. Think that happened to several Star Trek walk-ons, and I’m not looking forward to it.

Going to the Flatlanders concert in Minneapolis on Friday.

As long as you’re not wearing a red shirt, you should be ok.

Ha! Forgot about that part!

And no going off alone to find a quicker route to the cafeteria. Yeah, I’ll be safe.

Fobbed son off on inlaws for the weekend. Going to finish the former walk in closet as a home office or die trying.

Priced out new glasses with lenses and eye exam. About $350…eeek.

Will be buying FIL’s ford econoline 250 handicap equip van off of him next month. So this purchase probably cancels out the new eyeglasses for quite some time…darn.

I’ve lost 27 pounds since childbirth. I think the remainder of the weight has settled in my butt.

I have never let schooling interfere with my education. - Mark Twain

My temp contract expires today. They told me this on Wednesday. Thanks for the notice, guys. So I’m scrambling for a new assignment- or, possibly, hold out hope beyond hope- a real job. Yeah, right.

We’re deep into play-testing my roommate Mike’s new board/card game “Burger Wars.” If we can work the bugs out, and I can start actually turning my abstract concepts for board/card games into real paper products, we may actually get Freebie Games up and running.

It’s 10:30, and I’m leaving this job for the last time. See y’all later.


Give to Radiskull!

Been in the need to spend money…but have been conservative because the last 4 years have not been the best. BUT, I will be buying/building a new computer in the next two weeks.

I’ve been having Taco Bell cravings lately. No I am not pregnant.

My ex-boyfriend keeps calling me. It always turns into “when are you going to do something with me”…the more I talk to him the more I realize I am better off without him (he broke up with me.)

I actually watched the Grammys…first time ever, but then again I love Santana! But was discouraged by Jennifer Lopez (that’s her right?) and that scarf thing she wore, that aint no dress, that’s a scarf girl, sheesh.

I found my W-2s!

My only complaint is always having to wait for someone to come in the room and turn the set on.

Today it is about 65 degrees out and sunny. Gotta love that global warming!


“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson

Shirley U–did we ever see any baby pictures?

I got a job offer! It is at the place I most want to work, which supposedly never hires straight out of school, and at a higher pay level than I ever thought I could get.

Now if the funding doesn’t fall through.