# People on Earth now > # People on Earth Ever?

I have heard that the number of people living on Earth at this moment is greater than the number of people that have ever lived on Earth. This sounds like b.s., but I thought I’d get some more informed opinions from you guys.

Sorry I can’t find it online, but several years ago Marilyn Vos Savant answered this question in her weekly column. I believe she stated that the total number of people who have died was around 80 billion, with the current population only around 6 billion.

Here we go. This cite says 106.5 billion people have lived on Earth-


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Savant? Heretic

The master speaks

No. 6 Billion now, 70-120 Billion ever so <10%

Besides if X people now exist there must have been Y people before right? So it’s impossible for X > X+Y.

No you can’t use negative numbers, the phrase “Waste of space” isn’t literal. :slight_smile:

Hey, cut her some slack. At least she actually exists as an individual.

Obviously, the number of people that have ever lived includes the people currently living, so the answer to your question is, no.

What are you implying sir? Answer carefully lest ye incur the wrath of the boardsketeers.