people who are adicted to four letter words

Ya know what, fuck em if they can’t take a joke.

Would you rather listen to my scream of inhocerent rage or me swear…

The choice is yours.

But if I were you, I’d pick the choice that resulted in seeing less of my tonsils and less flying spittle

Sofa King , would you mind fucking off (hey, SEVEN letters!)? We all know you miss the days when the Pit was where you came to get a new asshole ripped open, but these are the Naughties - A New Era. We can rip eachother new assholes while being nice. It’s called “class.” Get on board while you can. Deeward’s driving.
I mean really…

Drop the first two letters and send me some pictures, and I’ll consider it.



I understand what you’re getting at, but I just have it ingrained in my beanie little head that “media” = “news media”. Which got me to dreaming …
Tom Brokaw: "Today in the fucking Middle East, that prick Yassir Arafat sent another goddamned suicide bomber, into that shithole, the Gaza strip. There were assholes and forskins all over the place. Experts believe that sooner or later, that piece of shit Sharon is going take hold of that fucking scumbag Arafat, rip off his fucking head, and shove it up his own ass, tablecloth and all.

In entertainment news, that skanky cooz Brittney Spears …"

[hijack]I hate the word “muff”. It seems to imply something hairy, and that is such a major, MAJOR turn off … gah!

This has been a pointless hijack.[/hijack]
I like swear words. I have a pretty decent sized vocab’lary, like, but there is a time and place for everything and profanity has its place.

Og sort rubbish!

deeward go in bin!

Jack, you fucking slay me! :smiley:

Perhaps it’s time for you to consider surrendering?

PRESIDENT OF SOCIETY: The good people of Seattle, Washington and and the rest of our country will eventually recover from the tragedy that so gripped our nation, and tested our cultural taste. And remember, in the war against deeward, you either stand with us or against us.

SOCIETY CONGRESS rises up and gives a standing ovation.

ENGLEBERT HUMPERDINCK: (yelling) I am Englebert Humperdinck, and I stand with deeward!

PRESIDENT OF SOCIETY gives a subtle hand gesture. HUMPERDINCK escorted from chamber by unsmiling Secret Society Service guards..

PRESIDENT OF SOCIETY (turning to Speaker of the House): I thought he was dead?

SPEAKER: No, you’re thinking of the guy he stole the name from.

PRESIDENT OF SOCIETY: Oh. You mean Chris Sarandon is dead! Holy shit, I saw that movie again only a week ago!

SPEAKER (shaking his head sadly): Just finish your speech, Mr. President.

Thanks Jack.


Is it just me, or is posting an anti-profanity rant in the Pit akin to posting vegetarian recipes in an abbatoir?

More like shouting (insert you know which word here) at O.J. Simpson.

[Galaxy Quest] Never give up! Never surrender! [/Galaxy Quest]

Only half? Are the rest clones or something?

Fucking A+




Watch a lot of Quentin Tarantino movies, deeward?:smiley:

No, the other half are the product of either divine conception or whoopie. Whoopie is not fucking.

Whoop you, motherwhooper