People who cannot spell

I’m not talking about the people who make occasional typos, but rather the ones who never learned how to spell simple words properly. Maybe our public education system failed them. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by the SDMB. Maybe it’s too much to ask that when you don’t know how to spell something, you look it up. Maybe it’s just a personal issue that I get so irritated with people who manage to spell “seizure” as “seasure”.

Definately! (My personal favorite.)

There’s one common misspelling that has cropped up a lot in the recent passed. It’s amazing that the people who make the mistake could have ever past English.

Independantly. You know, inside of a dangling necklace.
How many variations of “restaurant” are there? You’d be amazed!
Seperate. No, sorry, try again. I know there are a lot of e’s and a’s, but there is only one combination that’s right. (Hint - two e’s, two a’s.)

I consider myself an excellent speller, yet I always write “alot”. I KNOW it’s wrong, and yet I do it anyway. I don’t know why. Sorry.

The one that gets me is “loose” when they mean “lose” - as in “I hope the Pirates don’t loose tomorrow’s game.” I think that spellchecks are the problem - people assume that if the spellcheck doesn’t flag it, then it must be fine.

That’s “a wholebuncha”. Same etymology as “a wholenother”. You know, youanI ate a wholebuncha hotdogs with alotta ketchup, and then I had a wholenother one.

I play a lot of the fantasy MMORPGs.

It’s amazing how popular the “Rouge” class is. I guess it’s the healthful red glow that makes them so attractive.

Bah, you can’t even spell your name right. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am a shitty speller. I often do not know how to spell the word I’m typing, and whatever I come up with is almost 99% totally wrong.

However, I’m also able to see spelling mistakes rather quickly. So I’m constantly looking at my posts (or emails, or chat windows) and getting pissed off at how ignorant I end up looking.

Bahh, too dumb to spell right, smart enough to know how dumb I look.



Don’t like it? Stick your tounge out a those people.

The one I hate is tounge. The word is tongue.

It probably won’t phase them a bit.

What bugs me is misspelling something that you should be familiar with, like an auto mechanic spelling motor as moter.

I wish I had a nickel every time someone typed “Steven King is my favorite writer.” Do some people remember words phonetically or what?

Alot of the bad spellers are athiests who don’t believe in a diety.

Lazy too?

Look, I know not everyone is a walking dictionary, and many people don’t know complicated words, especially ones they never learned. Still, that’s why websites like exists! I was a nerd, and I checked; it took me all of 21 seconds to open a window, type up the web address, close a pop up window, type the word “seasure” into the search box, and discover that’s not actually a word, and I was really looking for “seizure”.

Separate is one I can never get right. (the hint above will help, I think).

I mean, its rediculous. :wink:

I’m a poor speller as well. I usually add a disclaimer if I’m not sure if I spelled a word correctly.

As for “”, if I don’t know how to spell a word, how the hell can I enter it correctly?


I hate threads like this. I just spent five minutes recovering my ability to spell “rogue.”