It really bores me shitless when people who think that they are "Bubbly"or the life and soul of the Party insist on showing film clips from the Net on their phones,and its never just one, its always one after another and another and another.
For fucks sake if you have no conversation then just stand quietly and stop bugging me.
No I dont fancy looking at short porno clips when I’m standing in the pissing rain waiting for a train and yes I HAVE already seen that amazingly unfunny surreal cartoon a couple of hundred times having been shown it by a couple of hundred equally boring bastards before you decided to show me what a great sense of humour you have despite all evidence to the contrary.
I cant honestly be bothered to feign interest any longer.
We had a guy when I worked for Royal Mail who carried a whole bunch of pics of his wife around with him and would show them to anyone who was interested.
Open crotch, dildos, cucumbers the whole fucking bag of tricks…and this was his wife ferfucksake.
So we asked him “Does your wife know you show these around?”
“Oh she won’t mind”
She found out, she did mind, they are no longer married which doesn’t surprise me one bit
It’s a “just got the Internet!” thing around here. In the pub it’s usually older guys that aren’t particularly net-savvy who are keen to show off their little video clips on their phones. It’s kind of endearing.
ETA: That isn’t meant to sound as patronising as it reads.
I want to kill the family members that all have to show off ring tones on holiday gatherings for at least 30 minutes. They start out at turns and quickly go to multiple playings at once. Why multiple? The members of the group really don’t want to hear the other’s crappy tones either, but have to inflict all theirs on the people still in the room. Who the fuck wants to hear ring tones? Oh yah. Fuck you expecting everybody in the room to stop talking, playing games, and listening to movies for you can yak to your body that has to hear your voice every 10 minutes or die.
For the people that want you to see porn on a cellphone, I tell them it’s better resolution on a monitor and if I want to see it I’ll watch it at home. Not that I then go home to watch it.
Re the ringtones thingy. I was at a memorial service/mass today and a NUN had her phone go off in the middle of communion–it was a Geoffrey Osborne tune.
WTH? I don’t care what she listens to and all, but why did she have the phone in the service and why was it turned on? :dubious: :rolleyes:
In the “Early days of PCs” I had a couple of friends that had “computers”. This was in my Senior year of college. One frend had an “IBM” clone. The other had a Mac.
Well, I started typing my major term-end paper on the IBM. Other guy finds out and fucking insists that the Mac is better and damn near
I encountered the “here, check out this porn” sharing-thing a couple of years ago on a camping trip. (There wasn’t any 'net access or cellphones involved, but a couple of guys had downloaded pics and printed them out). Frankly, it creeped me out a little bit. That’s the kind of stuff you should keep to yourself…but that’s just me.
I have friends who will invite me over to their house to “hang out”, and then proceed to just sit at their fucking computer and show me all the oh so neato stuff they’ve come across on their pc. One friend insists on showing me his net picture collection EVERY FUCKING TIME I GO OVER… good lord man, I’ve as big a fan of cool wall papers, photoshopped G.W. pics, and lolcats as the rest of us, but if you’re gonna invite me over at least get off the damn pc and talk to me or watch a movie or something. Haven’t had too much of a problem with the portable net with too many friends though. They figure out pretty fast if we’re at the bar, and they pull out their cell phone and start trying to show me stuff, I’ll leave real fast. But I feel for ya OP.