People with hair: How much money would it take to get you to shave your head?

I look like crap with short hair (mine is about 2’ long). I think I would shave it for $10K. You? Sex and age, please. (I’m 25, female.)

28, male, usually rocking the messy/spikey standard dude hair cut. I’ve done it before just for kicks so I’d be open to any offer someone would make me. My hair grows really fast, so even skin bald would be back in full effect within two months or so.

45, male, my hair’s down to mid-shoulder in back. I’m growing it out to see how long it can get before my wife goes insane wondering if I’m gonna get fired for lookin’ like a damn hippie. So, right now, it’d take several thousand dollars for me to shave my head.

Once my wife goes nuts, I’d do it for a couple hundred, probably.

I did it for free, sort of. I’ve been shaved clean for the last 5 years. Male, 51.

I’d probably do it on a drunken man-bet, which would mean for free. But if sober, I’d probably do it for $20. I hate my hair as it is, it looks like utter crap and is completly un-styleable, but I’m pretty sure it looks better than bald, but I’m poor, and $20 is $20.

Oh, and 23 and male.


I’d shave it for as low as 500$, 'coz I’m a whore like that. I look like death warmed over with short hair though-- there’s something about my colouring that makes it look like I’m under going chemotherapy when I have a buzzed/shaved head.

Seriously. People always seem to think I’m dying whenever I chop if all off. Mmm, cancer. I feel so sexy.

Probably $1000. I’m trying to grow it out right now, so it’s pretty long (a few inches past the shoulders), but I need the money and I’m not that vain. I’d prefer it wait until summer, though, so I don’t need to wear a hat or wig 24/7 to keep out the cold.

Female, 25.

36, male. Still mostly all there. Forehead has grown through the years, but still reasonably far from baldness territory.

I’ve actually shaved my head clean before, waaay back in high school before it was remotely cool for white guys to sport the Q-ball look as a means of defying male-pattern baldness. I found being able to rub my bare scalp endlessly entertaining. I found rubbing the fuzz that grew back equally engrossing. My head became more and more boring the longer my hair got. I’d gladly do it again for free…

Except that my wife would kill me. Now, he swears up and down she won’t care in the slightest when what’s up there eventually craps out on its own (“It’s your eyes and your smile I love!”), but I once suggested getting a crew cut, and she forbade me from doing so. Strenuously. Like, “don’t you DARE” kinda forbade. I don’t pretend to understand it. I just obey.

So I’d love to take you up on the offer, but at the very least my marriage, and possibly my life, is at stake here. If my death could be faked somehow, a rather large offshore account established and funded, and you spirit me away to somwhere with a high female-to-male ratio (a commensurate bust-to-waist ratio is worth looking into, if you’re feeling especially motivated) and great weather, I’d be willing to consider.

Male, 34. Shaved off and on for about 6 years now. I first did it for free it because my wife suggested it might look good (and it does, compared to the receeding hairline hippie look I had before) and I like to make her happy.

I guess I should mention I wasn’t a high-school neo-Nazi. I was on the swim team, and for state championships, it was the custom for all the kids to shave their heads. Part solidarity, part fluid dynamics.

Male and 22 at the time.

$20 if I’m drunk. I know this from experience. Turned out to be kind of a bad thing. At the time I had a goatee long enough to braid. Couple that with a shaved head and tattoos and people tend to get the wrong idea about you. A black guy that I worked with was sincerely concerned when I showed up for work.

I was the best man in my friend’s wedding less than a month after the incident. My hair grows fairly fast, but I didn’t have enough to really do much with but the time I put on the tux.

Male, 24.

I’d do it for $100. I have short hair, so it wouldn’t take long to grow back.

Completely shaved? Maybe $500. Like others have mentioned, I look terrible with really short hair, plus right now it’s covering my psoriasis. So to counteract the embarrassment I’d feel at people seeing the scaliness of my scalp, I’d need 500 clams. Ironically though, shaving it would probably help the psoriasis.

Also, I have a weird flat spot in the back of my head, like from 10 to 11 o’clock if you looked at me in profile. From my right side. So I like to keep that hidden.

Oh- I’m male and 39.

I dunno, make an offer! :smiley: I have long (top of ass-crack) hair that’s naturally mousey blonde on top and hennaed reddish starting about at my ears. On May 20something 2005, it was cut to just touching my shoulders (donated to Locks of Love - 16 inches cut for two donations). So, obviously, my hair grows pretty quickly. I’d cut it short again in a heartbeat for a good cause. Shaving bald would give me slightly more pause (mostly 'cause bald fat women =/= sexy), but it wouldn’t take much of an incentive.

31, female

A significant amount. $500 sounds lowish for me, at this point in my life.

Female, 31, with bumps on my head which I do not want to make the centerpiece of every conversation I have with people until the bumps get hidden by my naturally wavy hair again.

$500 and it all comes off.

38, female. Probably $500-1000. I’ve been considering buzzing it pretty close anyway, and a shaved head would grow out pretty quick.

21, female. Not sure, but it would take a lot, as 1) I’m generally hard to bribe and 2) I look terrible with short hair, and it would take a couple years for my hair to get back to a reasonable length. You’d need to offer enough that I could live confortably off it for a good amount of time. About a million might do it.

I’m 35, female, and single (which I think makes a difference): no less than $500,000.