People you've known whose names are oddly apt

We like to play the “User/post synchronicity” game here a lot…and a Calvin and Hobbes strip today reminded me-his substitute teacher is named “Mr. Kneecapper”-and someone thought that would be on par with say Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe if he were a loan shark…

So, known any people with oddly apt names?

I once lived near a gynecologist named Dr. Seymour Kuntz. I don’t know which came first, his name or his profession.

Can’t say I know him, but I have met him a few time.

Igor Judge, former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales.

I once did a project at the Pentagon, the COTaR for which was one “Major Payne.” And he was; he really was.

My former optometrist was named Dr. Spector.

I knew a girl who played the French horn and her last name was Horner.

There’s a local wildlife biologist here who specializes in birds, and his name is David Bird.

There’s a urologist near here named Dr. Stoneking.

In college, we had a cheerleader whose last name was Bumpass.

My driver’s ed teacher in high school was named Mr. Karr.

He was a jovial guy and I remember one time him saying something like “Come on, what are the chances of that happening–it’s like what are the chances of having a driver’s ed instructor named Mr. Karr.”

Not quite the same thing but my old GP was Doctor Frankenstein - Hubert Frankenstein, MD. I often joked him that the MD stood for “Mad Doctor”.

(And it didn’t help things that he was old school with a skeleton in the room where he examined patients.)

I know a black guy with the last name Blackman. He doesn’t really know where it came from but I like to think his ancestor was a freed slave who changed his name to Blackman just to piss off whitey. I also imagine, like Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, he had a wallet that said “Blackman” and when people asked which was his… “It’s the one that says Blackman MFer!”

There’s a researcher named Ferric Fang who studies iron regulation in bacteria.

I had two patients with the last name of Outlaw.

Quite appropriate, considering I work in a prison.

A urologist in the practice I use is named Krumholtz.

Which is German for “crooked wood.”

My orthodontist as a kid was Dr. Hollar. The veterinarian that used to make farm calls was Dr. Katz.

When I lived in Kentucky, I knew a woman named Billie Hill. Looking her name up in the phone book was fun.

Not known personally, but the story of Nintendo hiring a guy who’s last name is Bowser

Dr. Telesco.

An astronomer.

Also a licensed Professional Engineer, which usually is abbreviated as P.E. He found planets aka Planetary Explorer I suppose.

The second part I’m not totally positive about.

Note, the pe part of telescope wasn’t dropped, just moved.

My grade school gym teacher was a lovely English lady named Anne Ramsbottom.

My oral surgeon back home was named Gordon Toothaker.

Around here there’s another physician named Dr Frankenstein.

There was a now-retired pilot at my company whose last name was Pilot.

When I was in the service I knew a Lieutenant Marvel. I moved to a different base before he was promoted to Captain Marvel, but given promotion rates in those days it’s all but inevitable he was in fact Captain Marvel for a few years.

I also knew a Major Minor.

I am pretty sure at one time there was a Colonel Sanders in the Air Force. He was in charge of firing chickens into aircraft canopies to test air worthiness.