Permanent Marker on skin

Ummm I wrote on my arm with an industrial sharpie marker and I wanted to know if it would affect me in anyway. It says on the marker that the ink “withstands most chemical washes and steam up to 500 degrees farenhiet.”
Anyone have any ideas?

I’ve written on my skin with sharpies before and I’m not dead yet.

Your skin dies and sloughs off naturally so it’s not like you have dyed yourself permanently (or will have to resort to 600-degree steam to wash it off).

Are you still alive?

If you’re reading this, I doubt it’s done anything of much consequence to you. :smiley:

It will stay on you forever. Sorry.

Are you still alive?

If you’re reading this, I doubt it’s done anything of much consequence to you. :smiley:

LoL thanks guys I feel much better now, if I die I’ll let you know.

Why don’t you call the Sharpie folks? Im pretty sure they are laugh impaired. They might even have a web
site explaining what happens to your skin when the acid works its way through.

Don’t worry, you will be fine. Far worse has happened.

[TANGENT, but kind of relevant]
My sister directed a play in college where one actor was tied bare-butted to a table for most of the play (P.S., Your Cat is Dead, FWIW.) To get around the college censors, they painted op art his butt using dayglo paint and changed the color scheme for each performance. Sis never mentioned any health problems and he is probably alive and well today, some twenty-five years later.

As racin said, the skin that you wrote on is permanently died, but skin seems to recycle itself pretty darn quickly, especially if you use a loofah. I’ve had elaborate drawings on my arm in permanent marker come off in about 2 minutes.


died = dyed

First thing is that there is such a thing as an Industrial Sharpie, which is distinct from the normal one, so I don’t know if the anecdotal evidence is worth anything. Sorry Rob.

In addition, I found the MSDS for a normal sharpie, which has this fine nugget: