Perverted cannibalistic hermaphrodites haunt the Pacific Northwest!

Found this while Googling “Penis Ensues” for no particular reason other than boredom.

Thank you?

The word perverted in that headline seems kinda redundant.

I knew even before I opened the link that it would be about banana slugs.

Ahhh, my school mascot from grad school.

Band name!

There. Are. Pictures.

And. Links. To. Videos.


I have spent enough time online to know that there are some things I would rather remain ignorant about. The content of these video links are now on the ever-expanding list

Banana slugs are mascots?
That’s just wrong.

oyyy vayyyy!!

And here.

They’re a perfect mascot, as I was told at grad student orientation. They’re not sacred to any known group of people, and they’re hermaphrodites, so they can’t be sexist.

And it’s REALLY hard to take them too seriously…

I wonder what traditions at Texas A&M would be like if they had the banana slug as a mascot.

Yes, we don’t at UC Santa Cruz. I have a T-shirt, purchased at the student store there, that says “The Fighting Banana Slugs”. The accompanying graphic shows a cartoon banana slug with glasses sitting in the Great Meadow on campus, reading a book. As someone who’s not into sports, including college sports, I found that attitude rather refreshing.

I’m also a Banana Slug (wearing my UCSC sweatshirt at the moment, even) and I always find it funny when people tell me that it’s hard to take it seriously as a mascot. This is, obviously, the point. No one in Santa Cruz gives a shit about college athletics and it would be a lot sillier if we had some kind of fierce mascot.

Now I am in grad school and, as punishment for my sins, I am a Wolverine. It’s a tiny bit of a change.

~ Oakes, class of 2000, FTR.

I wonder if the UCSC Banana Slugs have ever played the Evergreen State College Geoducks?

Probably not, as playing a school that far away would require actually succeeding at something.

We have, however, probably played the UC Irvine Anteaters in something.

Well color me disappointed! This stupid article is about slugs. :frowning: