Pet pictures!

I don’t sleep alone, so I can’t try that method. :slight_smile: What we have tried, though, is putting another blanket on top of it to weigh it down. That way when it slides off the bed, it takes the other blanket with it…


She was about a year old when we acquired her, lived with us a little over a year, and spent the next 17 years with my in-laws. This picture was taken when she was 19, a few days before she made her final trip to the vet.

Beautiful eyes!

Just lovely kitties. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The sunlight going through their ears makes them (the ears) appear to be energy collectors of some sort.

I always thought the feline solar panel was on the tummy.

I don’t know, but something is happening here… looks like a cat warming system to me. :wink:

Google Photos

Maybe both the ears and the tummy are solar collectors? :slight_smile:

Clever. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My wife is a vegetarian, so we don’t regularly have meat, but I made a pork roast for Christmas and Buffy got a few scraps. She was very hopeful for more scraps and still is.

Google Photos

Further research is definitely needed.

I did the same with a ham, but made Luna part of the occasion. She had her fair share, that’s for sure! What the hell, it’s Christmas.

“Scraps?” I used to grill entire steaks, or boneless chicken breasts, or make stews, specifically for my Bernie! Give Buffy as much as she wants! She definitely looks like she deserves it. She is obviously a Good Dog, and a beautiful one, too. A Bad Dog would have chewed up all those Christmas presents.

Very nice, Christmasy background, BTW. Very festive, and very patriotic with all those Norwegian flags! :slight_smile:

That’s the way! :grinning:

I’ll never be that kind of person, and although not quite as ecstatic about it, Buffy also thinks a can of green beans, broccoli stem or leaf of cabbage is a treat. Occasionally there will be beef drippings on the green beans.

She an old lady who’s grown out of chewing up non-food, mostly, but she crunched up an ornament last year for unknown reasons. Probably because she strongly disapproves of Christmas trees in general.

Buffy is a beautiful girl with soulful eyes. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You know, I just noticed he is definitely bigger!

I’m six months old now!

Still hasn’t grown into the paws yet, either. This is going to be a big dog.

Rikki and Becky

Beautiful kitties. Great poise.