PETA pelted

Gotcha! I knew somebody would fall for the ole chain yank! :smiley:

RT, I don’t like extremist groups of any stripe, left right or center (hmmmmm… a center extremist…).

I prefer to eat food that used to have a face.

Ok, I’ve figured it out now. When someone makes a quote comparing the Holocaust to animal cruelty, the entire animal rights movement is automatically discredited. The entire environmentla movement is too, for no apparent reason.

However, calling the Sierra Club “nazis” is just fine.

Most of the Sierra Club’s resources are spent either on clean-up efforts or on planning/organizing vactaions and trips for members and other people. Yup, that sound just like Nazism.

The Sierra Club, Greenpeace and PETA can all kiss my ass.


Thanks Coldfire
I did think,still do, its funny.

I don’t frequent the Pit but I’ll gladly discuss it elsewhere if someone starts a thread.

I got in a little argument the other day with an extreme animal rights activist friend of mine. I mentioned my use of fruit fly larvae in genetics lab last week, and he went ballistic…started raging about how I couldn’t say ‘They’re just flies’ because then I’d have to say ‘just pigs’ and ‘just rabbits’ and ‘just humans’ whose heads I’m ripping off to extract salivary glands. Indeed. Because I gut fruit fly larvae to furthur my knowlege in genetics, I am all for killing sheep and humans and whatnot. Oh that’s me. :wink:
I think these people just like getting themselves worked up. :>

And geez, They’re just flies. :slight_smile:

A local PETA chapter (with the support of some Animal Liberation Front loonies) protested at my school once because they do some animal testing. (Yeah, I guess they’ll have to find cures for alzheimers and leukemia some other way :rolleyes: ).

Anyhoo, about 30 of us went to the cafeteria and got bacon-cheeseburgers, and mingled with the PETA folk while munching on our burgers, drinking milk. I even wore my thick leather jacket, which was tough because it was 80 degrees out.

friedo, I LOVE the way you folks protested PETA!!! No violence, no signs, name calling or confrontations. I like your style.

I remember when I lived in Vancouver, some PETA idiots took it upon themselves to release a bunch of Mink that were at a Fur-Farm. A spokesman from PETA was being interviewed on the radio (that pisses me off the most, why even give these retards the time of day) and it was an open line call in show.

Caller called in, asking why in the world someone would let an animal like that go, since it would then have a long, painful death by starving.

The PETA dolt said, "Oh no, they still have nstincts. They will be able to eat on their own.

The caller then mentioned a Mink may have insticts to kill, but not to hunt. A Big difference. Hunting is learned from mothers and experience. The PETA spokesman was absolutely speechless.

I really, honestly can’t believe these people.

Yep. The “Animal Liberation Front” destroyed a mink farm out here in Iowa. Being an agricultural state the legislature is going to pass a bill increasing the penalties for screwing around. I do know a lot of people were extremely upset. It’s sad, but somebody is going to get hurt. I know that many in the animal “rights” camp mean well, but they are misguided.

What Irks me is that PETA targeted kids.

I see this as inexcusable.

They probably thought they wouldn’t be able to express themselves.:slight_smile:

And for the kids punishment I think they should stay in from recess and eat Ice Cream.