Pics from my vacation in Daytona Beach

We had an absolute blast! The weather was wonderful, though it rained a couple of afternoons. Lots of drinking, eating and soaking up the wonderful sun. We ate seafood every night! I highly recommend The Wreck, Caribbean Jack’s, and Aunt Catfish’s.

Here are a few pics.

We hung out mostly at a biker bar called Froggy’s Saloon. They make a killer Bloody Mary. But a lot of carrying on was done on the beautiful, clean beach.

The trip home was a little scary. We drove home to Houston on Sep. 4, just a few days after Katrina hit. I-10 was open the whole way west-bound. We saw a lot of damage west of Tallahassee, and most gas stations either had no power or no gas. We brought 4 6-gallon gas cans with us, but we ended up not needing them. We stopped to go to the bathroom in Baton Rouge, and found a Shell station open. No hotel vacancies either, so we slept in the truck for a couple of hours.

We saw lots of National Guard trucks, and ambulances, and heavy construction vehicles. I think it was Mississippi where we saw a big crane had crashed into an east-bound bridge (I-10) and traffic was being diverted elsewhere. Trees down, houses swept away, big billboard posts snapped in half. Devastation.

My heart goes out to those people. I’m proud that Houston has been hosting some of the survivors, and I hope they all find a way to get some semblance of normalcy soon.

Aw come on! Y’all have checked out the pics - not one comment on the tattooed dude’s Easy Rider tat?

A trip to Daytona without visiting the speedway?

Glad somebody got a vacation. :smiley:

I like the shot of I-10 believe it or not…Road trip!

East takes us to Destin/Disney west takes us to the Canyon and Vegas…good old I-10.

I saw it two years ago. We were there for the the 4th of July. Got stuck in traffic for two hours. I’m not NASCAR fan, sorry.

Looks like a lot of fun–I envy you!

Dolores, how interesting to have gone after Katrina and get to witness firsthand the tremendous power released. We flew out to Disney a little before the storm and later spent two days at Daytona Beach. I wonder about many of the buildings in the Mississippi delta I gazed down upon and assume most of them are now no more.

At Daytona how nice it was to actually be able to see your feet in the water, an impossibility at our Galveston. Did you drive north and check out the beautiful beach houses? We too went to the speedway but the trip was very fast… 170 to be exact. A trip with Richard sure ain’t petty. :smiley: