As a casual fan of Pink Floyd (I have ‘Meddle’, ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’, ‘Wish You Were Here’, and ‘The Wall’ album and film,) I don’t know everything about their history. I am also the proud owner of a Pink Floyd tee shirt.
The shirt is for ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’, and is black, with the prism (from the album cover) on the front with “PINK FLOYD” in blue at the right breast. On the back is the prism, upside-down, with “DARK SIDE OF THE MOON” in blue at the top of the flipped prism.
Okay, sorry for the lengthy discription, now for my main question.
On the back of the shirt, at the neck, is a little picture. It’s a blue line drawing of a space probe (Voyager 1/2, I’m 90% sure of it, but there’s a tiny chance that it might be Pioneer 10) Around the probe are two lines of very small text: “PINK FLOYD/STILL FIRST IN SPACE”
Is there anything behind this statement? I know that “The Sounds Of Earth” disks sent out with the Voyager probes contained a lot of sounds, speeches, language examples, and music. Was Pink Floyd included on these disks?
The only thing I can find concerning what the songs were are some statements that it ranged from Beethoven to “Great Balls Of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis.
So, to sum it all up: is Pink Floyd “still first in space”?
BTW: This is my first post here, but I’ve been a reader/lurker for about a month.