Pinkivee, stop thinking with your vagina.

Bwaaaahahahaha!! OMG, this is rich!

Says the woman who “is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world, . . . is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. . . and splits her time living in London and New York.”

OMG, my side hurts I’m laughing so fucking hard.

Okay, somewhat off topic, but: why does it seem like, in the current election, there are more people than usual saying, “I’m voting for candidate X, because I don’t like candidate Y’s campaign tactics”? Campaign tactics? Seriously? They campaign for, what, ten months, if you include the primaries? The person who gets elected will be in office for four years. Isn’t it a little more important to consider, you know, issues, or economic plans, or energy policy, or whether the person will become a totalitarian fuckwad after he gets into the office, instead of “the party whose ideals I share made a commercial I didn’t like once, months before the election, so I’m voting for the other guy, even though we disagree on pretty much every issue”?

I dunno, it just seems absurd to vote based on “campaign tactics” instead of matters of substance. Is it just me?

And incidentally, a “guest” poster who appeared less than a week ago for the sole purpose of telling us that she’s decided to abandon her Democratic ways and vote Republican reeks of “viral campaigning”. It’s just suspicious, is all I’m sayin’.

Part of the problem being that one of the arguments made on behalf of Obama (pbuh) is that he ran a successful campaign, and that this should count as executive experience.

Plus, he doesn’t have much else besides big talk (and, apparently somewhat to his running mate’s surprise, he bathes regularly).


Would you please knock it off with the “pbuh” garbage. This board is still supposed to be about fighting ignorance, not spreading it.

I never realized that Shodan was a Muslim. I hope that doesn’t stop him from supporting Obama, just because Obama is Christian.

Tragically, no.


Only the most advanced robots have the ability to alter their own programming.

Bwah? What’s this “pbuh”? Peace Be Unto Him? Or something else?

Nope. Thanks for trying – real hard – though.

As you suspect, it’s Peace Be Unto Him, i.e. “secret Muslim code word, haw haw haw.”

Now, since these two words (the first two–the last two are a kind of reflexive belch, I suppose, at this point) are even more unresponsive than typical even of Shodan, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that he meant to quote the “This board is still supposed to be about fighting ignorance, not spreading it” part of **Dio /B]'s quote, not the part he actually quoted.

Unless he’s just saying “I’m a belligerent stubborn prick, and it’s kinda sad,” which might make sense.

“Peace be unto him.” yes. It’s an honorific used by Muslims when they make reference to Muhammed. It’s an “Obama is teh Muslim” dig on Shodan’s part.

I don’t think even Shodan is stupid enough to actually believe the “Obama is a secret Muslim” horseshit. He’s just yanking chains to get a reaction, i.e. trolling. I’m amazed the mods haven’t put a stop to it.

Nope, it’s a response to the part I quoted, which is why I quoted it.

Oh, you’re not that bad.


Missed the edit.

No, it is a riff on the Obama-worship hereabouts, and an opportunity to see some heads explode. If Obama were really a Muslim (as he has cliamed to be ;)) then no one would use the honorific towards him. It is reserved exclusively for Muhammed.


If Shodan was repeatedly starting threads about how Obama is a Muslim, we’d likely ding him for trolling. Putting a stupid little joke next to his name in an election season isn’t really the same thing. Both sides often make baiting little pokes at each other – I vaguely remember someone who listed Republican affiliations as (R - Undead) or something like that for a while. We don’t demand absolute honesty about politics, especially in the Pit – if we did, everyone who talked about politics would be banned.

Hold on, I just had a great idea…

Just because you’re rich, powerful or titled, doesn’t mean you’re an elitist.

No, really!

Yeah, I’ve seen trolls on other forums use that little trick as well, too, and for just about the same reason.

I feel ya, brother.

Now you’ve lost me completely. Could you explain the meaning of “tragically, no” as a response to “Would you please knock it off with the ‘pbuh’ garbage.”

I get it now that you’re refusing to comply with Dio’s request, but what exactly is tragic about that? “Typically, no” would make sense. “Stubbornly, no” would be characteristic. “Asininely, no” would be my own personal choice for you to use. I just don’t get the tragedy, unless you’re being sarcastic and you mean to say “I don’t care two tiny turds about your annoyance with my irksome belligerence, ha ha ha.”