I just noticed the Pit thread, that by title at least, was ostensibly about me disappeared into the cold blue yonder.
Generally I am fine with that, I think there was TMI from the real members the thread was about. It is probably best if gone. But I am newish here and this is/was my first pitting, so I may not be objective about that.
But it happened so swiftly and without warning, I wonder if the was related to my last (or maybe penultimate, I don’t recall) post a few minutes prior that the thread had been indexed on google and there was no way to recall the personal information posted there at that point?
Like I said, I don’t mind and don’t necessarily quibble with such a decision in this case (not had time to think about the general principal), but if that was the thinking, I wonder why the related original thread, which has much the same personal information, and pit-like debate, and is also currently indexed on google, is allowed to stand?
In a bigger sense, what if any impact does the opening of sdmb to index spiders have on mod decisions about content or making threads disappear without warning?
If my “report post” comment had anything to do with the removal of this thread, then I thank the person who made the decision. I’d been hoping that this place wasn’t so far gone that it would let such a vile person vomit their absurdities all over such a sad situation.
Could somebody use a clue-by-four on this guy? I don’t think he gets it. The only time the staff would remove a thread is when there’s a damn good reason to do so. Best to leave it buried. I don’t even want to know why it’s gone.
If you only want them to respond, send a PM. After all, you seem to have no problem responding to things that aren’t your business and feel justified in doing so, right?
Hippos asked, yet again, for you to please stop. My guess is that TPTB knew that you would utterly ignore that request just like you have all her previous ones and that she was truly being harmed by your continued efforts to drive her 'round the bend. By disappearing that thread they not only put a stop to your nonsense but they removed exposure to the bilge you had already spewed.
They did the right thing and I applaud them for it.
I am still new-ish here - Is this really the place to echo and repeat a closed pit thread? Not that I am jr.modding, but why not simply go open a new pit thread?
It did, so I removed it at around 4. I was planning on restoring it when I got home, but the other mods feel it should stay where it is.
This had nothing to do with Google, it was about the posts in the thread and the posters making them. It was not how I wanted to handle it; I don’t think my job is to protect people from themselves if they get into a heated argument. NineToTheSky and I Have Hippos In My Garden were very upset about some of the things not_alice posted; they should have just stopped reading - as I advised them repeatedly - but didn’t. not_alice’s attempts to “help” were not helping, as he was told many times by many people, but he couldn’t stop playing armchair therapist.
None of these things are against the rules, so I would have preferred to do nothing. But since the poster being discussed attempted suicide last week, was upset with the topic and nobody involved could walk away, I wasn’t comfortable leaving it alone.
The whole situation absolutely will not be rehashed here; I or someone else will lock the thread if it goes that way. Although it’s a little ironic that you’re the one saying this, not_alice.
We removed the thread from view – and closed the preceding MPSIMS thread – because that was the most appropriate way to handle the rapidly exploding situation.
We should have probably stepped in much sooner – these are issues and problems far beyond the abilities of any message board community to handle and for the community to be involved to the extent that they have been is not helpful and may actually be contributing to the problems by enabling situations. Best of intentions but.
It’s a caring community and that’s a good thing. But we are not counselors, not analysts, not psychiatrists, not doctors of any kind. And we encourage people who are in need of such to take their situations to those people. We should be supportive of those that go get help – it’s so often a brave and difficult thing to do! – But we can’t be a support group for people in this kind of deep need, regardless of how much we care.
As to whether your personal information is “indexed on Google,” we have no way of knowing where the spider was or how much they got so it’s a tossup one way or the other. The only way to effectively guard against this is not to post personal information on this very public board.
For further assistance, please look at the message board rules: (Now available to view from the FAQ hyperlink on most every SDMB page)
Thanks - my second hunch was it was for Hippo. cool with that. The thread actually disappeared while I was PMing someone I hope her last request for it to stop sticks as my late night request for same did not by the time I woke up.
Not sure about your comment about my 3rd thread request being ironic though. I think this is only the 2nd thread I have ever started. I told you I would have a much more general and useful thread on the topic if I ever started one, and it wouldn’t be anytime soon. I’ll hold to that thanks!
Best wishes to Hippo and Nine this Easter holiday weekend, may they find peace solace and joy in what is most important to them.
Again, this is not the place to rehash your interactions with everybody.
I was making an offhand comment on your role in bringing the initial thread off topic. Anyway, if I had to do it again I’d have shut the whole works down much earlier. I wanted the posters in need to get some support, but we generally don’t let this kind of thing get aired in public this way, and the way this all went down shows why.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to leave town. Thanks for getting it for me Marley23. Let me underscore that this was a special case and that we won’t be closing or removing threads just because they upset some of the participants.