Pizza with veggies, pizza with MEAT

My experience has been like the OP’s. Everyone else insists on getting supremes (which I dislike) and I have to fight to get a pepperoni and mushroom included in the order. And then the dipwads eat most of the P&M, there’s a bunch of supreme left over, and I’m still hungry. Grrr!

I don’t get the cheese pizza thing. I’ve never known a single person (not even kids, especially not kids, they’re always totes into the pepperoni) who was into that garbage. I may hate veggie pizza, but at least I get the concept. Plain cheese? That’s not even pizza. You need toppings to have a pizza.

That being one of my favorite combinations. As for meat, I love me some pepperoni, I’m pretty meh on Sausage.

And those are the only two meats I would eat on a pizza.

Nah. I’m an avid meat eater, but cheese pizza is pretty awesome.

Cheese pizza is good because when there are no other toppings, they consider the cheese to be the topping, so (at least at Pizza Hut) they put the normal amount of base cheese on the pizza, then they put even more on. That’s what makes it good, especially if it’s the thin crust.

It always seems like feast or famine for vegetarians at our office lunches – either the lunch organizers say “this dish is especially for vegetarians” and then there are tons of leftovers because the non-vegetarians are afraid to eat it, or they don’t make such an announcement and it gets hoovered up like the rest of the food.

A pizza without meat is only a {shudder} cheese sandwich.

A sandwich without meat is only a {shudder} half-sandwich.

Carnivores, unite!

I don’t get people. I ask for the pizza I want (pepperoni, maybe a mixed meat), and I eat the pizza I ask for. I don’t want your veggie or supreme. I don’t like olives, mushrooms, or peppers, and I damn sure don’t want pineapple on my pizza.

I’ve only ever eaten cheese when there wasn’t enough meat pizza, and it was that or starve. Pizza isn’t pizza without a topping.

Pepperoni pizza for my older daughter, cheese pizza for her sister.

I’ll eat cheese, I even like it, but I prefer pepperoni and always order it. If I’m at a buffet, I’ll grab several different kinds though, which is what I assume people are doing when there’s a large group and several people to feed. However, unlike a buffet, when one kind runs out, it’s gone.

My very favorite is sausage and mushroom. But I’ve never encountered a slice of pizza I didn’t enjoy. So I let others decide on all the picky-eater decisions involved in ordering pizza, and eat whatever shows up. If there are veggie folks or others who feel they must limit their choices to a small segment of the order, I’ll avoid those until those people have had their fill.

Me neither. I don’t know why, because I love other strong flavors. I’ve had other foods grow on me, so I do try different olives maybe once or twice a year to see if I start liking them. Nope.

My sister-in-law is the only person I’ve met who also likes one of my all-time favorite pizza combos: banana pepper rings, feta cheese and pineapple. The sour vinegar and sharp feta contrast amazingly with the sweet pineapple. Om nom nom!

I love pineapple, but I usually prefer not to have it on my pizza. Pineapple and pepperoni or pineapple and Canadian bacon can be very good, if I’m in the mood for it. Mostly, though, I would rather eat the pineapple separately.

And I like black AND green olives on my pizza, please.

I’ve never found a pizza topping I don’t like.

We get something VERY similar to that - typically we’ll add onions or pepperoni or ham to the mix. But yeah, the Banana pepper/feta/pineapple trio is really yummy.

You, your sister-in-law, me, and Mr. Athena are apparently a strange, small club who has found the One True Pizza, since I’ve yet to find anyone else who thinks those are appropriate pizza toppings either.

I’ve never tried it, but I can see why it would be tasty and wouldn’t balk at all at trying a slice.

If you like cheese only pizza then you will love Khachapuri!

This is just one variety.

If you cultivate a weird topping combo love, nobody steals your pizza. (says the lover of anchovies, black olives, hot peppers, and pineapple. On the same pizza.)

At work I had to institute an informal policy in my department on how to order pizzas for big groups. For every two people, we order 1 pie. So 10 people would mean five pies.

Now I work for a union and our big groups usually consist of two different types of people: blue-collar union guys, and fresh-out-of-college lefties. So there are two formulas, with a specific order:

Blue collar groups:

  1. Cheese
  2. Pepperoni
  3. Veggie
  4. Orderer’s choice (who ever calls it in gets to choose the toppings)

College-grad lefties:
Same as above but flip the order of veggie and pepperoni

So if we ordered five pies, it would be two cheese, one pepperoni, one veggie and one orderer’s choice.

If, for a college-lefty group, we ordered 10 pies, it would be three cheese, three veggie, two pepperoni, two orderer’s choice.

If, for a union guy group, we ordered two pies, it would be one cheese, one pepperoni.

I had to institute this “policy” after a guy in my department ordered 10 pizzas all with mushrooms (and a variety of other stuff). Before this, my boss, while pregnant, ordered some pizzas with the vilest, nastiest combinations known to man.

This system of mine seems to keep everyone happy. The union guys like pepperoni, and the young college grads tend to skew vegetarian.

I would guess so in most cases when pizza is bought. The whole point is that you can pool resources and not have to spend as much on food. Or when one person is buying food for a lot of people.

Plus, part of the fun of having a pizza party is being able to eat more than one type of pizza. I can eat my one type of pizza when I eat alone.