Playboy plans a club in orbit

Playboy plans a club in orbit. (Playboy is still around?) Nothing resembling a date (heh) in the article though.

Looks like we’ll finally have a definitive answer to the question the Master posed in this column.

Meanwhile, the jokes write themselves.

Playboy has teamed up with Virgin Galactic. No word on how long the galactic virginity will last…

(Sexist) piigs in spaaaaceee!

Eh–it just doesn’t have any atmosphere.

What happens to tits in a zero gravity environment?

It’s magical.

They explode.

Heh… back when I used to think that when we took Pan Am to the Moon Hilton, there would be a Playboy Club with bunnies in aluminized outfits wearing bobbing antennae instead of bunny ears. Let us at least hope we get to see SOME part of the hep cool version of The Future…

No, no, *that’s *in a vacuum… (but not really; it’s a joke, son). But in the case of the sort of tit Playboy has largely featured for the last couple of decades, it probably just becomes nearly spherical. Those already defy gravity :stuck_out_tongue:

OTOH unless they use some heavy adhesives they will “explode” out of the bunny outfit. (how do you bunny-dip in freefall w/o setting yourself a-tumbling tail over ears?)

News from the future:

They clearly didn’t pay attention to the safety lecture. (I understand that the demonstrations by the flight attendants are memorable.)

Never mind that; all I can think of are the “Zero-Gravity Toilet” instructions from 2001: A Space Odyssey. After a few martinis, will club members in orbit be able to read those?

Mad Magazine had a cover of itys predicted “Space Playboy” bck in the early 1960s. The covber featured a bunny in a contoured space suit. Cover articles included “Pluto’s Zohra Stark” with a completely outrageous bustline, and the zillionth installment of Hef’s “Playboy Philosophy”. Now Pluto isn’;t evena planet anymore, and most folks have never even heard of the notorious and seemingly interminable episodes of Hef’s philosophy.

I think the universe already has enough places I could never get laid at and can’t afford to go to.

I’ve always wanted to join the 238,000-mile-high club.

I’ll go there for the articles.

I never understood why the original key clubs disappeared.
There have always been similar successful places in each city they were in, why should they fail as a brand, unless the branding fees were too high.