Please change the Pit tagline [New Pit Rules]

Apparently we’re not allowed to complain about mod/admin decisions in the BBQ Pit anymore.

As such you may want to consider changing the Pit’s tagline ASAP to remove the part about board administration or moderation, so as to avoid mixed signals.

To be fair to newbies, you should also change the “if you gotta flame, do it here” part, given the new rule:

I think the generally accepted definition of flaming is assumed to include phrases like “fuck you” so I think this will also cause some mixed signals.

Which puts us squarely into bizarro-world.

A Pit where you can’t say “Fuck you” to someone. Can I still talk about movies in Cafe Society, or has that been flipped on its head too?

Oh dear. This isn’t going to go well.

Can I ask what the impetus is behind the new “No abusive remarks directed at other posters” rule? Was a higher-up at Creative Loafing insulted in the BBQ Pit or something?

What an awful, useless rule for the BBQ pit.

Sounds like a “We don’t want to scare off the paying customers” kind of rule.

You have got to be kidding me.

I am not often one to predict the death of the SDMB as we know it. But I am considering making an exception.


I would guess that it’s this type of rule that drives off paying customers, more so than people dropping an F-bomb in the BBQ.

Problem is … they may end up chasing away the paying customers.
Edit: See Above (Revtim)

With idiotic rules like these, the Dope as we know it is dead. Somebody stick a .22 behind its ear and put it out of its misery.

Wow. Just terrible.

Maybe instead of “BBQ Pit” it should be renamed to “George Foreman Grill On Lowest Setting” or “Solar-Powered Electric Smoker”.

“Sunny spot near a window”?

If I didn’t need a financial incentive not to renew my subscription, this’ll do it for me.

All The Pit needs is a sign on the door saying “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the fucking kitchen. No prudes allowed!”.

Giraffe, can you tell us the reason behind this? I doubt that Ed suddenly got prude after ten years, is he getting pressure from Creative Loafing? Did one of their kids stumble onto pit thread and ask Daddy what a cuntwaffle is?

If this was one of those godforsaken boards with a rep system, this post would so deserve it.

I didn’t expect this thread to turn into the “bitch about the new rules” thread, which in hindsight was very dumb of me. For the record, I believe that the rule that inspired this thread and the whole “no ‘Fuck You’” thing are very, very poorly thought out, and I assume are the major reasons behind Giraffe and Fluiddruid stepping down. While the majority of Mod decisions are fairly obvious and necessary, there are some that just defy logic - sometimes it is almost impossible to calmly discuss something that defies belief, and it’s not like there haven’t been several such situations just recently. This is especially true when it appears like the Mods are circling the wagons around an apparently bad decision and appear not to understand the concerns of the posters. This decision worries me, as I think a lot of people will hold off with complaining in case they step over the invisible line Ed has crafted and get banned for it. If people are too scared to complain, this does not mean the admins are doing a good job.

As for the no “fuck you”, sorry but some people just aren’t worth well-crafted insults.

I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to share details from our private email discussions. Ideally, Ed will hold a discussion where people can ask questions and offer feedback.

Similar to the debate some time ago, “Can you call someone a liar in GD”; are we now not allowed to call someone a troll in the “BBQ Pit”?

Makes sense, thanks anyway.

I personally wouldn’t ask that question of him - puts him in an awkward position. (just saw his answer on preview - I guess that answers that)

Regarding the new rules. Why would anyone pit another poster? anything that resembles the new rules could go into any other forum as well.