This past weekend, I gave a can of diet Dew to a man from Ontario. He said “I forgot that in this country, Dew has caffeine in it.” He then explained that Canadian law said- I can’t remember. I need more information and turn to the Dope.
As I understand it, the law is that caffeine can’t be added to things that don’t have it naturally. So coffee and tea, for instance, are fine, but caffeinated Dew isn’t. I’m not sure where colas fit in: I think they might have a loophole.
It apparently changed in 2010, caffeine is now allowed in non cola drinks.
I think it might have been just that cola was ‘grandfathered in’ because its use in cola was established and taken for granted before the laws were established, but other types of soda drink typically hadn’t been caffeinated, so caffeinated Dew was outlawed. WAG.
so if it’s not ‘do the dew’ with some speedy activity, is it ‘enjoy a dew’ with someone in a hammock?
The cola nut naturally contains caffeine, although caffeine is added to cola drinks.
This doesn’t make sense to me. Mountain Dew is a man-made product. How can it “naturally” have caffeine or not? That would be like saying it doesn’t “naturally” have citrus flavor, so it can’t have flavor.
Well considering the caffeine is extracted from the kola nut I would imagine that would fufill the definition of “natural”.
Off-topic, I never got why, considering we are animals, that thinks we make are not natural but things bees make or plants synthesize are.
I’m not sure that’s relevant, though, since cola drinks are made with only trace amounts of cola nut, if that. There’s certainly not enough to account for the caffeine of Coke or Pepsi-- That mostly comes from coffee or tea that’s been decaffeinated.
Aussie here. I had thought we had some type of similar law but I recently saw a Mountain Dew with something like "Now With ADDED Caffeine! So maybe not any more.
Sadly, this did recently change, and my evening diet pop of choice (Mountain Dew) no longer serves that function! :’(
Count your blessings. That stuff is loaded with sugar. It’ll save you thousands in dentist bills and keep you healthier.
He said diet pop.