Please decipher this saying on a t-shirt

In the endless ads online for Temu, for fathers day they are peddling t-shirts with sayings, and one of them goes:

“I Love My Wife but sometimes I want to square up.”

I looked it up for a definition, still don’t get it? What does this mean?

Square up for a fight or even the score. Still doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I think “square up” makes sense in the context of a fight. “I love her even though sometimes there’s conflict between us.”

One would hope the wearer of the shirt is simply talking about arguments, but there’s a physicality to the expression “square up” that a lot of folks would object to.

It’s about fighting. You can get the same shirt about your husband as well.

I agree with these interpretations (as my skin crawls).

But why would you? Perhaps it explains why they don’t get along. I don’t think my wife would appreciate such a shirt (and I don’t know why she would buy it for me. She buys all my t-shirts).

Weird. I don’t get it either. I googled it, and apparently such shirts are for sale at various sites (only with the wording “wanna” instead of “want to”), including Etsy, Amazon, and Walmart, but nowhere did I see an explanation (or any customer comments or ratings).

My WAG is that it’s an instance of Engrish: either a bad translation of something that made more sense in the original language, or an attempt by someone with a weak grasp of the English language to come up with something that sounds clever.

Just Redneck English. I understood it.

What’s hard to get? “I love my wife, but sometimes I want to fight her.”

It’s one more in a long line of dumb trashy t-shirts aimed at the, uh less discerning market, typically seen on People of Walmart type sites.

Sonya Deville, a woman wrestler used the catch-phrase “Put your hair up and square up”.

Nah, there’s a subset of the population that gets off on conflict. I dated a woman years ago who said she didn’t think the relationship was “healthy” unless we were open about our disagreements, which sounds good, but it translated into her picking a fight on a weekly basis if we hadn’t already had one. She would have bought this shirt immediately. (And before you ask, no, I didn’t date her very long, because it was stupid and exhausting.)

I don’t know why you’d want to advertise your emotional dysfunction on a t-shirt, but evidently there’s a market.

I was unfamiliar with the phrase “square up,” at least in that context. I thought it meant to make things even, either literally (as in aligning the corners of a stack of paper) or figuratively (as in paying a debt).

The phrase is “square off” in terms of preparing to fight a person. Engrish as pointed out by @Thudlow_Boink .

I guess it’s supposed to be some sort of modernized version of the “I love you Alice, but one of these days, to the moon”.
Or maybe some macho form of I love my wife but instead of verbally sparing with her I would rather just settle it physically?

Square up means the same thing in Slanglish.

“Square off” has the connotation of two people facing one another, both preparing to fight.

“Square up” has the connotation of one person assuming a fight-ready posture regardless of what the other person is doing.

That’s the way I’ve heard it, anyway.

Closer to “I love my wife, but sometimes I want to punch her.” Squaring up or squaring off against someone means physically fighting, not verbally.

I think this is a “to each their own” situation.

Actually it mean getting ready for a physical fight, but if actual fighting starts it’s past the square up/off phase. I think it’s playing the line between a figurative meaning and a literal one.

To me, “square up” brings thoughts of settling a debt or paying one’s fair share. Still doesn’t make sense in the context of the sentence, though. I guess we really can say “forget about it; it’s Chinatown”.