Please don't post World Cup Match spoilers in thread titles!

Due to the location of the World Cup this year, many of the games will not be viewed live by a large proportion of the soccer enthusiasts that frequent the SDMB. So if you feel the need to mourn / celebrate the outcome of a particular match, could you please not post the result in the thread title, which would eliminate the element of surprise for some poor unsuspecting Doper who happens to glance at MPSIMS before viewing her videotape of it?
Thank you.

I quite agree.

Mind you I did it to myself once.
I taped a sporting event, because I was out all day. I carefully avoided newspapers, radios and conversations.

Then I came home, put the TV on the wrong channel and got the result.


I did that for the Euro2000 final. I had told all my colleagues, don’t tell me the result, I want to watch the re-run tonight. I glanced away from all the newspapers in the train on my way home and managed not to hear or see a thing. Beaming, I opened the door and told my wife: “I managed not to hear the result of the final.” “Oh, France won”, she said… (in all innocence - I had not told her that I was going to watch later).

You mean, ex-wife, right? :wink:

I had the same thing, though not as big. I was backstage at my muscial, and missed most of survivor. A group of cast were watching it in a spare room, and I walked in, before realizing what I’d done. I was like “Whaa, don’t tell me who got voted off!” To which a helpful (:rolleyes:) friend replied “Who got voted off? Tammy!”


And that’s all she wrote.

P.S. All official results can be found here:
2002 FIFA World Cup

Thanks very much for doing this, Arnold.

May your potency inside the box never diminish.

And may your dribbling always be controlled.