Please help me find missing person-TN


I have permission from the powers-that-be to post this appeal:

One of my closest friends from high school has gone missing under troubling circumstances. She dropped her children off at home on April 30th and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. She has connections to the TN, AL, GA and FL area as well as to Western NY where we grew up.

Her name is Gail Nowacki Palmgren from Signal Mountain, TN

I am hoping to spread the word just in case anyone has seen her or her car.

Here are some relevant links:

FB: Facebook - log in or sign up

Link to flyer: Facebook - log in or sign up

Link to message board collecting info: TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #1 | Websleuths

Recent news article:

We, her friends and family, are sick over her disappearance and are very concerned for her well being. If anyone has any info, please contact law enforcement at: Signal Mountain Police (423) 886-2124.

Man, I’m sure you already know this, but there are numerous grounds to be very concerned here…she appeared nervous when she dropped the children in a safe location, thought she was being followed, there was a recent domestic disturbance at her home, and a pending divorce. Here’s hoping I’m just a jaded lawyer borrowing trouble…but I’d be very interested in knowing the husband’s whereabouts over the relevant time period.

Oh, yes. We know. And we are all really troubled.

Oh wow.

I’m in Chattanooga, and I’ve been hearing about this on the news for weeks. I hope with all my heart that she’s just gone to ground somewhere and that she turns up safe and sound or contacts someone soon. The other possibilities don’t bear thinking of… :frowning:

Passing this along. Hoping for the best for her, her children and her family. :frowning:

I know. We are all frustrated that there seems to be little info forthcoming, and what is coming out is troubling. I know there was an event today- I wonder if you saw any coverage?

Newest article:

I’m paying attention.

Haven’t seen her, but I will keep eyes & ears open.

TN local folks- I know there is to be a press conference at 2pm. If anyone ends up watching, could you report it out?

I’m on the west coast; I don’t have a TV. Did anyone see it?

Useless. Nothing was said.

Just found this article, posted today.

This part is a little confusing:
**According to the incident report filed by police on the April 22 incident, Mr. Palmgren and his wife were in their car fighting over his refusal to ride with her and their two children “as a family” to their lake house in Alabama.

Mr. Palmgren “stated that she got mad because he wanted to take the boat down with them and he would have to take the jeep to haul it down there,” according to the incident report. “He stated that she took his jeep key and hid it from him.”

He got mad and got out of the vehicle and started to walk home, he told officers.

Investigators said Mrs. Palmgren told them she called 911 “because he wouldn’t get back into the car and started walking home.”**

It’s all so very strange. She talked to her sister moments before leaving and sounded scared. She left her cc and driver’s license behind. It’s confirmed that her husband had an affair and has been put on admin leave from work. He only reported her missing after two days when her siblings urged him to. He filed for custody and separation immediately. Her cell phone pinged two days after she went missing nearish by, but nothing since.

So weird. Her poor kids. :frowning: She was such a good friend in high school. I am so worried for her.

here’s the timeline

ETA: Thank to whichever mod made this a sticky. I know it won’t generate many posts, but if someone sees it and knows anything, it would be wonderful!

I’ve e-mailed this to some of my friends in the area. Like Bosda, I’m also paying attention as I travel I-24 and its environs every day (the specialty tag helps).

Here’s hoping for the best.

Thank you missred. Every pair of eyes helps.

Ivory <3 I am so sorry, love. Best wishes. I’d drive out there and look now if I could. :frowning:

[quote=“CitizenPained, post:16, topic:582099”]


Any more developments? Sending peace an strength in your direction

Nothing! It’s so frustrating. The husband looks more and more involved, but nothing concrete. It’s breaking my heart. Thank you so much for asking and for your good thoughts.
CitizenPained**- I don’t know what happened to my post? I wanted to thank you for your sweet comments.

I’m not on that side of the state, but I’ll keep my eyes open anyway :frowning: I’m so sorry this is happening, and I really really hope she turns up alive and well.