Please STOP suggesting threads for me to look into

If you wish to discuss something that you want, that you think should be part of a “Theme”, please look here:

One Theme To Rule Them All

I’ve created this thread so we can all discuss, in one place, our wish-lists for what a Theme should be like. I hope we can all come to some more-or-less agreement on what a good theme should be. If you’ve tried various themes, tell us what features of which themes you really MUST HAVE and which things you could do without.

For example: The two SD themes now have mouse-over and a good-looking banner, but the thread list page lacks some good stuff that Sam’s Simple theme has.

OTOH, Sam’s Simple Theme, on the thread list page, shows the name of the OP in plain-text and the time-stamp, and the name of the latest poster in plain-text and the time-stamp, which the SD themes lack, but Sam’s has an ugly banner and lacks mouse-over.

Ideally, we could at least agree on a lot of the most important details, and then TPTB could pull together one theme with all of that!