Please Welcome to the World: BabyRickJay

Madeline Claire, our first, was born at 11:56 PM, October 16. And she just got home and is sleeping on the couch with her Mommy.

She is the most beautiful and sweet little babes ever.

Now, my house is truly a home.

Wonderful! All the best to you and your wife.

But the sleeping…it’s a ruse.

:slight_smile: Congrats and best health. :slight_smile:

Try to remember what sleep was, it will be a while. :wink:

Madeline is my favorite girl’s name! It’s even better coupled with Claire. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! :smiley:

Congratulations, your lives have changed forever!

Mazel tov and congratulations! throws confetti everywhere

Post pictures, willya? :wink:

Yeah, folks shouldn’t be allowed to make baby and kitty posts without pictures! :stuck_out_tongue:


Congrats!!! Madeline’s a great name (we just had a Madeline Paige born in our family). And I’m guessing she’s a beauty.

Teach her well. For she will grow up to be a Doper one day, and that will serve her well. :smiley:


Woohoo! Congrats!!
I’ll be in the same boat in another month or so – I’m getting all the sleep I can now.

Hey, congratulations! Welcome, BabyRickJay!

Couldn’t have picked a better day for it … Oct 16 is my birthday too, and look how I turned out!

Congratulations! :slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:
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[/lousy attempt at confetti]

(but pictures are a must!)

Another “Congratulations!”

And another demand for pix!

Ow! is showered with periods and ellipses



That’s so sweet. You made me tear up (damn hormones). I can’t wait until mine arrives in April!

Enjoy your precious bundle. :slight_smile:

Ain’t life grand?

Congrats to you and the Mrs.

Did you do anything creative with the placenta? :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL! Good thing I didn’t include colons and semi colons; them things is lethal!


Congratulations! I can’t believe you named her after me! I’m so honored!

Seriously, that is my first name. I have a different middle name. And don’t let anyone call her “Maddie”.