Plunkett & MacLeane—"You're going to Hell" song?

A quick, simple, question…

What’s the name of that song from the “Plunkett & MacLeane” soundtrack that contains the refrain “You’re Going to Hell”?

It’s not a rock song, it almost sounds like American “blues.” Kind of “Jazzy,” even.

I am so sorry. This has nothing to do with your OP, but someone did a tune called “Banging in the Nails”, and every time I see the phrase “going to hell” I giggle.

*I’m crucifying Jesus, banging in the nails
And I am so happy because old Jesus failed
I’m crucifying Jesus, nailed him to the cross
The poor old bastard needs a death and I don’t give a toss

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang banging in the nails
. . . . . .

Do you see that crown of thorns upon his head?
That was MY IDEA!
I think I might be going to hell!
Ohhhhhhhhh, DEAR!*

I am so going to hell.

I’m not the only person who’s seen that movie? Huzzah! I love that movie. Even though Liv Tyler’s part isn’t as actiony as the poster implies. You have to love a movie whose tagline is “Steal from the rich… and that’s about it.” I have a highwayman “thing,” anyway. Unfortunately, I do not know the answer to your query.

I just found out that it is by a group called the Tiger Lillies (yes, that’s with a total of three Ls).

That movie has some of the best scenes I’ve witnessed in a film. Some notable quotes I enjoy:

“My dear man, I swing EVERY way!”

“Did you fuck her???” - said after one of the bandits had sex with the bride at a wedding and he got VD.

Good film.

The entire “Macleane Got The Pox” scene is great, especially with Plunkett’s Exploding Miracle Cure. “I used to be an apothecary, remember?”

And later… “So how, errm, is it?”
“Oh, it’s great, thank you! I think it’s even gotten bigger, if you can imagine.”
“I’d rather not.”

I first found out about them when they were the band in “Shockheaded Peter” (wonderful “junk opera” based on those poems about beastly children coming to sticky ends)

Their music is, er, different - worth checking out, but don’t expect Brittney or Kylie stylee pop!

The song from Plunkett & Macleane sounds like something that would be played in a speakeasy.